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他是我的老上级。He is my old chief.

我将是主要的忏悔者。I'll be chief mourner.

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谁来当主祭?Who'll be chief mourner?

最重要的是,士官长,我们还活着。We're still alive, Chief.

我叫克莉丝,设计师。I am Chris, chief designer.

向会计主任汇报。Report to Chief Accountant.

太守谓谁?Who is the prefecture chief.

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首席审计员贝尔先生说。Bell, the chief auditor, said.

旅游是我最大的赏心乐事。Traveling is my chief delight.

兰州,清真寺里的穆斯林。Lanchow. Hadji at chief mosque.

艾伦·斯特恩曾是美宇航局空间科学探索项目负责人。Stern, former NASA space chief.

上图是一副1835年的平板画,画中的是红夹克酋长,一位美洲原住民塞内卡族酋长。a Native American Seneca chief.

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他是通用汽车公司首席发言人。He is the chief pitchman for GM.

我不能那样对待海米,首领。海米是我的朋友。I can't do that to Hymie, Chief.

雌狮是主要的猎手。Lionesses are the chief hunters.

亦非苏丹或法老居高司号令。Sultan or Chief in high command.

理货组长,为什么停止作业?Chief tallyman, why stop working?

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单于是指匈奴的首领。Chanyu means the chief of Xiongnu.

他是非常出色的总统。He's an excellent Chief Executive.

汤姆·金的本钱是经验。King's chief asset was experience.