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病菌会侵入机体。Germs invade the organism.

病菌会侵入肌体。Germs invade the organism.

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自私的想法可能开始侵入你的心灵。Selfish feelings may begin to invade your heart.

侵略不应该是个贬意词。Invade shouldn't be that devaluates an idea phrase.

学会对侵犯你的隐私的人说不。Learn to say no to people that invade your privacy.

紧张的男人喝白酒,入侵别国。Uptight men drink alcohol and invade another country.

我们不去威胁别人,也不会去侵略别人,我们反对霸权主义。We don't threat or invade others. We oppose hegemony.

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请感应到我们,如果我们经过你的脚边或者入侵你的住处的话。Attune to us if we cross your path or invade you home.

法律惩罚侵犯他人权利的人。The law punishes people who invade the fights of others.

紧张的女人吃巧克力,入侵购物中心。Uptight women eat chocolate and invade shopping centres.

新人新猪肉,不要宰割啊!New personality new pork, do not want invade and exploit!

强大的罗马帝国的所有正计划入侵亚洲。The all powerful Roman Empire is planning to invade Asia.

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他们害怕我们要去侵略他们。为什么呢?They're afraid that we're going to invade them. For What?

曲霉菌有浸润血管的倾向。Aspergillus has a propensity to invade into blood vessels.

虚假广告侵害了知情权。The false on-line advertisements invade the right to know.

我们不需要入侵伊拉克利比亚看到类似的结果。We don't need to invade Libya to see an Iraq-like outcome.

除了我们还有谁,可以入侵中东而又失去石油?Who else, but us, could invade the Middle East and lose oil?

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她坐在窗口,凝视着夜幕渐渐笼罩在林荫道上。She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue.

勃列日涅夫也卷入了一场战争——他把红军送上了阿富汗战场。He also had a war – he sent the Red Army to invade Afghanistan.

敌人胆敢进犯,我们就给予迎头痛击。If the enemy dares to invade us, we'll deal them head-on blows.