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还是那些因为血肉横飞,肚肠烂流以及刺激枪战?The blood, gore and guns?

2007年,阿尔.戈尔和莱昂纳度.迪卡普奥Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio, 2007

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他一看到血污就作呕。His gorge rose at the sight of gore.

16日,艾尔·戈尔宣布参与竞选总统,他很可能将面对的对手是州长乔治·W·布什。Al Gore announced for President on the sixteenth.

格里高尔突然发现本人变成大甲虫。Gerry gore suddenly found himself into big beetle.

双面弹力织物,易于打开和关闭戈尔。Dual-sided gore stretch fabric for easy on and off.

人行道上有一摊摊血和血块。There were pools of blood and gore on the pavement.

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戈尔也籍此荣获了奥斯卡最佳记录片奖。Gore accepted the Academy Award for Best Documentary.

以一片片荚果放飞曾经鲜嫩如淤血似的种子。And letting go of the seeds once blue-blooded like gore.

戈尔与一个科学家团队分享了该奖项。Gore snared the prize along with a network of scientists.

五颜六色、五味俱全、---让感官超负荷的湿货市场。Reach sensory overload in the wet market's colour, aroma and gore

五颜六色、五味俱全、---让感官超负荷的湿货市场。Reach sensory overload in the wet market's colour, aroma and gore.

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“阿尔毁了我的生活,”现年61岁的哈代先生说。“Al Gore ruined my life, ” Mr. Hardy, who is now 61, likes to say.

戈尔在2000年总统大选中惜败于乔治。布什。Gore narrowly lost the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush.

并声称在过去长达一年半的竞选中奥巴马使全国上下团结一致。Gore says Obama has united a movement over the past year and a half.

艾尔·戈尔和乔治·W·布什都按照期望地在爱荷华州轻松获胜。Al Gore and George W. Bush had both won handily in Iowa, as expected.

对此,戈尔表示,他只是他的钱放在哪儿,嘴就放在哪儿。Mr. Gore says that he is simply putting his money where his mouth is.

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我们必须认清这一点并尽可能减轻其影响,”戈尔说。We have to recognize it and lessen the impact best we can, " said Gore.

但是,在阿尔·戈尔2000年的选战中却有很强的人民党调子。But in 2000 Al Gore injected a strongly populist tone into his campaign.

但是两星期后戈尔急起直追,有些民意调查还发现戈尔逐步领先了。But two weeks later Gore caught up and some polls showed him edging ahead.