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方法制定和实施乙酰唑胺负荷脑血流灌注显像的护理措施。Methods Nursing methods of using acetazolamide in brain perfusion SPECT were drawn up and practiced.

结论制备乙酰唑胺固体分散片可以提高其体外溶出速率。CONCLUSION Preparing Acetazolamide solide dispersion tablets can improve its extraneous dissolving rate.

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随机对照试验还发现在大部分人群中,乙酰唑胺可以引起多尿,感觉异常,或者是两者兼有。The RCTs found that acetazolamide caused polyuria , paraesthesia, or both in a large proportion of people.

目的观察不同种类的穿透促进剂对乙酰唑胺滴眼液的眼内通透性作用。Objective To investigate the promoting effect of penetration enhancers on acetazolamide eye drop in rabbit.

其它治疗方法包括静脉滴注乙酰唑胺或甘露醇,前房穿刺,和小梁切除术。Other treatments include intravenous acetazolamide or mannitol, anterior chamber paracentesis, and trabeculectomy.

目的采用制荆技术提高乙酰唑胺固体分散片的体外溶出速率。OBJECTIVE Adopting preparation technology improves the extraneous dissolving rate of Acetazolamide solide dispersion tablets.

方法乙酰唑胺房水样品经固相萃取后,进行RP-HPLC检测。MethodsUsing the solid phase extraction technique, acetazolamide was extracted from the aqueous humor, and detected by RP HPLC.

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醋甲唑胺和乙酰唑胺均可降低眼压,两者效果相当,且眼压没有明显波动。Vinegaramine and acetazolamide can reduce intraocular pressure, the two effects is, and no obvious fluctuations in intraocular pressure.

使脑血流增加的激发试验包括CO_2吸入试验、屏气试验、乙酰唑胺试验等。The provocation test that makes cerebral blood flow increase includes CO_2 inhalation test, breath holding test, and acetazolamide test, etc.

方法以固体分散技术制备乙酰唑胺固体分散片,对其进行体外溶出度测定。METHODS Adopting solide dispersion technology prepare Acetazolamide solide dispersion tablets, and carrys through the mensuration of extraneous dissolving degree.

结论乙酰唑胺剂量依赖性地降低AQP1介导的渗透水通透性,抑制AQP1转运水的功能。CONCLUSION Acetazolamide decreased the osmotic water permeability induced by AQP1 and inhibited the water transporting function of AQP1 in a dose dependent manner.

其中一例患者MRA、SPECT显示正常,口服乙酰唑胺后SPECT检查及PET检查显示有颞枕叶缺血。One patient with normal MRA and ordinary SPECTexainination, was found to suffer from occipital and temporal lobesischemia after acetazolamide SPECT examination and PET scan.

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乙酰唑胺的不良反应主要是手脚麻木、胃肠不适、肾结石等,而醋甲唑胺未见明显不良反应。Acetazolamide the adverse reaction is mainly hands and feet numbness, gastrointestinal discomfort, such as kidney stones, vinegar and aamine no significant adverse reactions.