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这是一个战争前奏?Is this a prelude to War ?

但所有的这些不过是前奏。Yet it was all simply prelude.

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同样的节奏型也构成了前奏曲的结尾。The same rhythmic figure ends the Prelude.

搜索引擎风波,网络战前奏?。Storm of Search Engine, A Prelude to Netwar?

前奏与后奏首尾呼应。The prelude and coda echo from beginning to end.

如今能为这本散文集作序,我觉得很荣幸。I am honoured to writ the prelude for this essay.

这几行诗是他那长篇叙事诗的序诗。The line form a prelude to his long narrative poem.

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这次决议只是更激烈的步骤的前奏。The resolution was a prelude to more drastic actions.

如今能为这本散文集作序,我觉得很荣幸。It's my honor to make prelude for the collected essays.

修宪是解决问题还是更多纷争的前奏?A constitutional settlement—or a prelude to more trouble?

不然怎么会在初赛就输给你!Otherwise and how can lose to you in the prelude contest!

虎门销烟揭开了中华儿女反侵略的序幕。sons and daughters of China opened a prelude to invasion.

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就好像她的前半生都只是这一刻的序幕。As if her whole life has been the prelude for this moment.

这个序曲就象清晨房间里的一块三棱镜一样灿烂辉煌。The prelude was as iridescent as a prism in a morning room.

早寒武世最早期梅树村期处于“寒武纪大爆发”序幕阶段。The Meishucun stage is the prelude of the Cambrian Explosion.

管弦乐队在芭蕾舞开始之前演奏了一段很短的前奏曲。The orchestra played a short prelude before the ballet began.

认罪是赞美祷告强有力的前奏。Confession is a powerful prelude to a prayer of thanks-giving.

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晚间的序幕于夕阳的乐曲声中揭开。The prelude of the night is commenced in the music of the sunset.

这场变革是通向2008奥运会的前奏曲。However, this reformation is the prelude to the Olympic Games 2008.

迈克耳孙和莫雷已经奏出了狭义相对论的序曲。Michelson and Morley had sounded the prelude to special relativity.