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来看阿嬷!Come see her.

婊子来啊!Come on bitch!

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加油,比比!Come on, Bibi!

女士,起来吧,回到你的小骏马上!Come on, lady!

来来来。接着说。Come on. Go on.

请进。Please come in.

上来。Yes come on up.

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请进来,爸爸。Come on in, Dad.

快点,跳上来。Come on, hop up.

我可真来了!I can come true!

我的意思是,来看。I mean, come on.

我可以进来吗?Might I come in?

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她醒过来了。She has come to.

你一向随传随到。You always come.

白子,还不过来。Baizi, come over.

飞到我的网里来。Come into my net.

出来,欧迪亚斯。Come out, Odious.

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来为我工作吧!Come work for me!

他才不会来呢。He will not come.

我看见他进来了。Isaw him come in.