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我还打哈欠呢。I’m still yawning.

而打哈欠就是其中一部分。Yawning may be part of that.

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我感到很困,止不住地打呵欠。I felt so sleepy I couldn't stop yawning.

我们沉默的站着,打着哈欠,眨着眼睛。We stood in the yawning silence, blinking.

打呵欠的频率随着人生阶段的变化而不断改变。Yawning frequency changes over the life span.

她不断打呵欠,暗示她累了。She kept yawning as a hint that she was tired.

“打哈欠是一件大事,”Provinice认为。"Yawning is a really big deal, " Provine said.

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我们知道打哈欠是有传染性的或者易传染。We also know that yawning is contagious or catching.

呵欠连天的流浪汉们来了精神,就像狮子看见了饲养员。The yawning tramps brisked up like lions at feeding-time.

打呵欠是生命早期就存在的行为。Yawning is a behavior that begins in the first stages of life.

黎明时在草坪上,打欠伸的溺水者开端皱眉头。At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man began to frown.

拂晓时在草坪上,打呵欠的溺水者开端皱眉头。At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man begin to frown.

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卡夫卡的小说则打开了一个无限扩张的非理性世界。Kafka's novels opened up a yawning "frontier to implausibility".

打哈欠会牵动鼻窦,把空气“泵”向脑部……Yawning may activate a sinus "pump" that ventilates our brains..

拂晓时在草坪上,打呵欠的溺水者开始皱眉头.At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man began to frown.

鲜血不断地从洞开的伤口流漏,渗进他躺卧的泥泞土地。Blood seeped from the yawning wound into the muddy ground he lay in.

此外,人们还认为看到别人打哈欠,自己也会打哈欠。He says almost anything connected with yawning can make people yawn.

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扳道工说,“他们在里面睡觉,或是在打哈欠。They are asleep in there, or if they are not asleep they are yawning.

以喙或脚梳理羽毛、洗浴、举翅和打哈欠等。Preening with bill or legs, bathing, putting up the wing, and yawning.

打哈欠也许可以帮你保持头脑清醒——一项新的研究如是说。Yawning may help you keep a cool head—literally, a new study suggests.