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我的激情已经所剩无几。I had compassion burn-out.

我十分同情埃里克斯的遭遇。I felt compassion for Alex.

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他起了恻隐之心。He was moved with compassion.

她们给予同情与理想。They give compassion and ideals.

如果关爱和同情获胜会怎样?What if Love and Compassion Win?

用同情和善良来行动。Act with compassion and kindness.

我不同情孟山都。My compassion is not for Monsanto.

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这是一个观音菩萨的密咒。It's a mantra of compassion buddha.

要像太阳一般慈悲为怀。In compassion and grace be like sun.

乌列尔发扬慈悲与和平。Uriel promotes compassion and peace.

稍许体谅一下我的神经吧。Have a little compassion on my nerves.

她的精神和悲天悯人至今仍留存于世。Her spirit and compassion live on today.

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乔伊斯·德席尔瓦,关爱世界牧业Joyce d’Silva, Compassion in World Farming

没错,这就是怜悯之心的全部含义。Yes, this is what compassion is all about.

但他们只能默默忍受,没有一丝骈枝的怜悯。But they suffers and there's no compassion.

妙用不灭大悲力。With the never-failing power of compassion.

是什么使祂动了慈心?What caused Him to be moved with compassion?

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你缺乏忠诚,不老实,也没同情心。You lack loyalty , integrity and compassion.

这堂关于同情的课他从来没有忘记。It was a lesson in compassion he never forgot.

主耶稣盼望的是同心合意的伙伴关系。Jesus is looking for companions of compassion.