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后来,道森先生成了一名律师。Later Mr. Dawson became a lawyer.

摆着战利品的桌面在散发者成功的信息,“Dawson说。"Trophy desks reek of success," Dawson says.

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道森先生和他的太太搬进了一个新的公寓。Mr. Dawson and his wife moved into a new apartment.

道森说,结论比此更为深远。The conclusions are more far-reaching, Dawson said.

道森先生从一个侧面的门走进法庭。Mr. Dawson walked into the court from a lateral door.

道森老师是个佳脾气鼓鼓的小尾儿,镇下的每小我都晓得这个。Mr. Dawson was an old grouch, and everyone in town knew it.

麦克在15名进入半决赛的选手中排名第八。Dawson qualified eighth of the 15 kayakers who made the semi-finals.

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道森在进入半决赛的15名选手中排名第八。Dawson qualified eighth of the 15 kayakers who made the semi-finals.

然后我们回到道森,给矿业记录署打了电话。Then we returned to Dawson and called at the mining recorder's office.

审判前一天,道森先生将他最好的西服送到洗衣房。The day before the trail, Mr. Dawson sent his best suit to the laundry.

布雷克律师事务所和道森沃尔德伦证实,多达100个就业机会可以去。And law firm Blake Dawson Waldron confirmed that up to 100 jobs could go.

现在,由道森和其他人所做的研究已经把这种观念又推进一步。Now, research by Dawson and others has carried this concept a step further.

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桑德罗在下半赛季的良好状态,给迈克尔-道森留下了深刻的印象。Michael Dawson has been impressed with Sandro's form in the second half of the season.

这位大妈叫安吉拉·道森,她只身与另一伙毒品贩子进行一场战斗——结果失败了。Angela Dawson had waged her own battle against a different set of drug pushers—and lost.

道森先生过去是名拉丁语教师,他住在北纬30度的一个小岛上。Mr. Dawson used to be a Latin teacher and live on an island of 30 degrees north latitude.

道森相信她个人与这个调查领域的联系给了她独特的洞察力。Dawson believes her personal connection to this field of inquiry gives her unique insights.

如果你正在努力朝公司官阶的高处走,Dawson推荐中性形象。If you are trying to work your way up the corporate ladder, Dawson recommends a neutral look.

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现在仍有大量现金产生能力极强的大型化工企业。There are still a lot of highly cash-generative large chemical businesses, " says Mr Dawson."

“避免放几瓶指甲油,漱口水,维他命片和毛绒玩具,”Dawson建议。"Steer clear of bottles of nail varnish, mouthwash, vitamin pills and soft toys," Dawson advises.

博雷。道森以墨尔本合伙人蒂凡尼·巴顿为艾格瑞在此次交易中担任顾问。Blake Dawson advised Agrium, with Melbourne partner Tiffany Barton leading its advice on the deal.