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他们被描写为父权家长制的贝都印式酋长。They are presented as patriarchal Bedouin chiefs.

卡塔尔文化基于贝多因人的诗歌,歌唱和舞蹈。Qatar’s culture is based on Bedouin poetry, song and dance.

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贝督因为沙漠游牧部落,其部民强悍桀骜。A nomadic desert people, Bedouin are hardy but unruly troops.

我的侦察班在贝多因的一个小营地与萨达姆军队交战。My recon squad had engaged Saddam's army in a small Bedouin encampment.

几个世纪以来,贝都因人部落都生活在这个巨大的荒野上。For centuries, Bedouin communities have survived in this vast wilderness.

去见长官时,他穿的是贝多因裙子和凉鞋。He wore sandals and full Bedouin dress when he went to see his military superiors.

布莱尔在制裁结束后,到卡扎菲富丽堂皇的宫殿,访问了他。Tony Blair visited Gaddafi at his luxurious Bedouin tent after sanctions were lifted

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那天晚上我们呆在他色彩斑斓的贝多因帐篷里,我跟卡扎菲说笑。After we spent the evening in his colorful Bedouin tent, I had some fun with Gadaffi.

作为以个贝多因穆斯林信徒,卡哈迪在演讲上以他的经历为以色列宣传。Khaldi, as a Bedouin and Muslim, lectures on his experiences as an advocate for Israel.

你甚至可以穿戴传统的贝都因族服饰,让你的体验多几分真实感。You can even dress in traditional Bedouin clothing to make your experience more authentic.

从生长在蔚蓝海水中的珍珠贝口中取出的珍珠,具有神秘的光芒。Growth in from the blue sea pearls removed Bedouin population of pearls, mysterious radiance.

乔治·卢卡斯向麦夸里描述了塔斯肯人,称他们为沙漠游民,类似于贝都因人。George Lucas described the Tuskens to McQuarrie as desert nomads, not unlike the Bedouin people.

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卡塞吉斧兵多雇佣于库尔德和贝督因地区,装备战斧和盾牌,盔甲极为简陋。Nomadic Kurdish and Bedouin mercenaries , equipped with an axe, a shield and wearing basic armour.

他带我们到贝都因首领那里去喝茶,给我们看祖先流传下来的雕刻,还有他的骆驼。He took us for tea with a Bedouin chief and showed us ancient carvings of his ancestors and their camels.

人家告诉我这盒物什是一个途径死海,从伯利恒回来的贝都因人带来的。I was told that they had been brought by a Bedouin who was returning from Bethlehem towards the Dead Sea.

一百年前,它还是一个宁静的小城,贝都因商人和采珠人住在由珊瑚和石膏筑成的小屋里。A century ago, it was a tranquil town whose coral-and-gypsum huts housed Bedouin traders and pearl divers.

短暂地骑乘这些「沙漠之舟」后,你就可以安然地在贝都因族帐篷里的低矮座垫上歇息并享用晚餐。After a short ride on these "ships of the desert," settle down for dinner on low cushions in Bedouin tents.

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夜晚我们在贝都因营地露天而眠,从这里到梅合组噶镇骑骆驼要大约两个小时。We slept the night under the stars, in a Bedouin camp about a two-hour camel ride from the town of Merzouga.

在卡扎菲位于的黎波里的住所,他在一顶贝都因人的帐篷中招待来访者,还养了很多骆驼和山羊。On the grounds of his Tripoli compound, he entertained visitors in a Bedouin tent and kept herds of camels and goats.

马匹沿着一条小路行走,经过绿色的草地和带刺的灌木丛,还有贝都因牧民留下的铁丝围篱。We followed a trail past tufts of green grass and spiny shrubbery and the barbed-wire remnants of a Bedouin encampment.