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一位姓李的人在找你。A Li is searching for you.

我可以让他们搜索。I could set them searching.

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我们正在搜查这房子。We are searching the house.

我们正在搜查那个地点。We are searching the place.

我是在找我的神仙姐姐。I 'm searching for my angle.

媒体库和播放列表搜索Library and playlist searching

这个答案,我依旧在求索。I'm still searching for answers.

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因此,美国宇航局计划继续不停地搜索。So NASA plans to keep searching.

是的,现在到了心灵探索。Yep, now comes the soul searching.

我认为这使搜索更聪明,更体贴。I think of it as searching smarter.

他在搜索那不可能的事。He was searching for the impossible.

骑驴找马,你该告诉你的老板吗?Tell your boss you're job searching?

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他说他在找寻真理。He said he was searching after truth.

搜寻是从右而左开始执行。Searching is performed right to left.

巨大的探照灯正搜索着天空。Big searchlights are searching the sky.

寻梦?撑一支长篙。Dream searching? Dash a long boat pole.

我见过你灵之探索。I have seen the searching of your soul.

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这就需要再进一步到论坛搜索。More searching in the forums is required.

停顿了一下,眼光转向史蒂夫的座位,用犀利的目光在他的脸上搜寻着什么。sharp stare, her eyes searching his face.

警方的潜水夫在搜索河底。Police divers are searching the river bed.