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它是中世纪庇护所的遗风。It was survivals of the mediaeval sanctuaries.

他为山顶上那些中世纪的城堡而欢呼雀跃。He jumps up with joy for those mediaeval castles on the mountaintop.

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一个房间被装饰成中世纪城堡的府第。One of the rooms was got up to represent the hall of a mediaeval castle.

然后,我猜我猜我们就会有一个君主然后带我们回到中世纪。Then, I guess our having a monarch would take us back to mediaeval times too.

因此,这个小国目前仍处在中古世纪的生活状态中。Therefore, the small country still stays in the life style of mediaeval century.

顾客也要遵循中古遗风,只能用一把刀子切食。The client also should abide by mediaeval relic, can cut with a knives only feed.

本文研究的是中古汉语表示比较的方字句。This paper mainly discusses the comparative sentence "Fang" of mediaeval Chinese.

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城市有中世纪的影子,平静中又透着现代,非常美。The city has mediaeval sign, appearing again in calm contemporary, very beautiful.

第一章,分析了中古蒙古语与位格附加成分的使用范围。Chapter one analyses the using confine of Mediaeval Mongolian Language Dative Case.

中古汉语时期,由此基本义产生出许多引申义。Many connotations are developed on the basis of this denotation in the mediaeval times.

“颜师古注引方俗语研究”是汉语方言学史中古阶段的专题研究。This dissertation is a special research on the mediaeval history of the Chinese dialectology.

1866年,日本还是个中世纪民族,宛如一幅极其浪漫的封建制度的荒诞漫画。In 1866 she was a mediaeval people, a fantastic caricature of the extremest romantic feudalism.

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他对于英格兰中世纪历史和法律有着出色理解和认识。He remains the outstanding figure in the understanding of the Mediaeval History and Law of England.

座落在克里姆林宫外的是红场,在中世纪时期红场曾是大商贸中心。Just outside of the Kremlin lies Red Square, which in Mediaeval times was an enormous market place.

中古以来牙喉音及其开合口发生了许多变化。Since mediaeval times, velar and guttural and its opening closing mouth have had many transformations.

中世纪的城关市民和小农等级是现代资产阶级的前身。The mediaeval burgesses and the small peasant proprietors were the precursors of the modern bourgeoisie.

一个司空见惯的传说是,一位中世纪的骑士杀死了龙,拯救了公主和她的国家。It is a common tale for a mediaeval knight to kill a dragon and save a princess and her country from its evil.

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中古是祈使句走向成熟与定型的关键时期。The mediaeval times were the crucial period to imperative sentence to develop to its maturity and stereotypes.

所以中世纪关于共相的大论战在现代数理哲学中又重新爆发了。Thus it is that the great mediaeval controversy over universals has flared up anew in the modern philosophy of mathematics.

大明宫是中国唐朝时期的政治中心,它是世界中古时期最壮丽的皇宫。As the political center of the Tang Dynasty of China, the "Da Ming Palace"was the grandest imperial palace in mediaeval times.