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甘油三酯高胆固醇高是什么原因引起的?Is triglyceride high cholesterol high what reason is caused?

性别、年龄、血糖、甘油三脂与抑郁有关。Sex, age, blood glucose and triglyceride are related with depression.

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甘油三酸酯水平并不像胆固醇水平一样成为一大担忧的事。Triglyceride levels aren't nearly as big a concern as cholesterol levels.

一种长链羧酸的甘油三酯,20℃以下为固态。Fat A triglyceride of a long-chain carboxylic acid that is solid below 20℃.

葡甘聚糖凝胶经研究具降低甘油三酯在血清中的含量的作用。Research showed that KGM gel could reduce the content of triglyceride in blood serum.

降低血压,甘油三酸酯含量和改善动脉血管功能。Lower blood pressure, triglyceride levels and improve the functioning of artery linings.

这些菌能够水解表皮上的甘油三脂,形成过多的游离脂肪酸刺激皮肤所致。They can hydrolyze triglyceride on cuticle, and form overmuch fat acid to stimulate skin.

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介绍了天然油脂中甘三酯结构和组分的复杂性和规律性。The complexity and law of triglyceride structure and composition in natural oils are introduced.

目的观察染料木素和大豆苷元对去卵巢大鼠甘油三酯代谢的影响。AIM To study effects of genistein and daidzein on triglyceride metabolism of ovariectomized rats.

然而,迄今为止,非空腹甘油三酯水平的风险的证据仍然不明。However, to date the evidence for the risk of non-fasting triglyceride levels has been less clear.

作为一种新型的功能性配料,中链甘油三酯具有广泛的工业用途。As a new kind of functional ingredient, medium-chain triglyceride has been applied in industry widely.

低碳水化合物饮食可能比中等碳水化合物饮食略微更能提高高密度脂蛋白胆固醇和甘油三酯值。Low-carb diets may improve HDL cholesterol and triglyceride values slightly more than do moderate-carb diets.

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在最近的一次小试验中,马洛尼考虑到接受低强度激光疗法的19位患者的胆固醇和甘油三脂浓度。In one recent small trial, Maloney looked at the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in 19patients undergoing LLLT.

甘油三脂也称中性脂肪,对人体有重要作用,但是甘油三脂过量也会给人体健康带来很多危害。Triglyceride is also called neutral fat and it is very important for human health, however, excessiveness is harmful.

然而,要彻底评估饮食对健康的影响,我们不能只看胆固醇比例与三酸甘油酯的量。TO EVALUATE FULLY the health effects of diet, though, one must look beyond cholesterol ratios and triglyceride levels.

等能量等蛋白质饲粮中中链三酸甘油酯对肉鸡生长性能,体脂含量及鸡肉风味之影响。Huang and H. F. Lee, 1990. Energy value of medium-chain triglyceride and its effect on growth and body fat in broilers.

在急性热应激下,添加甜菜碱可不同程度地降低血清中葡萄糖、甘油三酯的水平。Under acute heat stress, supplementary betaine chloride could variously decrease levels of glucose, triglyceride in serum.

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病程、甘油三酯、糖化血红蛋白与神经传导速度变化有相关性,与空腹血糖无相关性。There was positive linear correlation of course of disease, triglyceride and glycated hemoglobin, but fasting blood glucose.

结论本实验检测结果可为正常鹌鹑血清血糖、尿酸、甘油三酯水平变化范围提供一定的参考。Conclusion The result provide some reference for the change of blood glucose, Uric acid and triglyceride in normal Quail serum.

结论性别、年龄、糖尿病、高甘油三脂血症等心脏血管病危险因素与抑郁有关。Conclusions The risk factors of cardiovascular diseases such as sex, age, diabetes and triglyceride are related with depression.