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河床表面具有明显的粗化层。Obviously armoring layer existed in the surface of the river bed.

为其在装甲车辆上的应用做出了理论准备。The theory is prepared for the application on the armoring vehicle.

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该模型能同时对河床冲刷深度及粗化稳定级配进行计算。The model can calculate scour depth of riverbed and armoring steady graduation simultaneously.

你可以有意识意图来抽离任何剩余的痛苦、忿怒或恐惧盔甲而开始。One may begin by draining any remaining armoring of pain, anger or fear through conscious intent.

首先建立了一维数学模型研究顺直河道的河床冲刷及河床粗化过程。ID numerical model is developed to simulate degradation and armoring process in alluvial channels.

这是由于选择打开她的心灵,移出她能量场这个部位所有装甲的结果。This was due to choosing to open her heart removing all armoring surrounding this region of her field.

意愿去释放阻碍爱内外流动的装甲,并掌握祝福行为。Intend to release the armoring that prevents the love from flowing in and out, and master the act of blessing.

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运用仙农熵的概念与理论,推导了清水作用下粗化过程中推移质输沙率公式。Applying the concept of Shannon's entropy, the equation of bed load rate is derived during the armoring process.

装甲是阻塞的能量,在不爱的选择里停止在心脏部位,因为爱太痛苦了。Armoring is stuck energy that has come to be in the heart region out of the choice not to love, as loving is too painful.

当剥离掉包裹住心灵的一层层盔甲,一个人终于能够与自己内在的灵魂再次接触。As one peels away the layers of armoring surrounding the heart, one eventually reconnects with the soul inside of oneself.

天然河流修建水库后,下游河道发生的最大变化就是河床冲刷粗化。Results after the reservoirs building, the maximum variation was scouring and armoring for river bed downstream reservoir.

主要介绍新型光缆钢丝铠装高速成缆机的总体设计、布局、参数、结构特点。The overall design, layout, parameters and structure of high speed steel wire armoring strander for fiber optic cables are presented.

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提升所到的每个振动水平都将会到达包裹心脏的另一层盔甲以及你可能以前未曾察觉的场中。Each level of vibration ascended into will have another layer of armoring around the heart and in the field that one could not perceive before.

该生曾在2004年北京丰台区装甲兵工程学院上军校,我发现该生和很喜欢团队协作共同完成各项任务,具有较高的集体精神理念。During 2004 in the armoring soldiers project academy, I found this student had a high sense of collectivity and liked to cooperate with others to accomplish the tasks.

主要介绍光缆现场加铠技术、光缆现场加铠机的组成及其使用方法。The in situ armoring technology for fiber optic cables is presented. Also the construction and usage of in situ armoring machine for fiber optic cables are introduced.

打开心灵,由于大多数人在当今生活之舞中所经历的痛苦经历,需要解除你在童年早期就设置在心灵周围的盔甲。Opening the heart requires releasing the armoring that one may have put up in early childhood due to the painful experiences that most have in the current dance of life.

然而,你曾经感觉你自己似乎是孤独的,那是因为心灵的盔甲让你的生活体验以及所有你祖先的生活体验与灵魂、源头失去了联系。However, you have perceived yourself as alone due to the armoring of the heart, which disconnected soul and source from your life experience, and for all of your ancestor's life experiences.