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卫星广播?Satellite radio?

为何要击落卫星呢?Why shoot down the satellite?

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瞬息之间,那颗卫星就消失了。The satellite disappeared in a wink.

何谓人造卫星?What is meant by a man-made satellite?

第一类任务是发射卫星。Mission number one is satellite launch.

人造卫星轨道的能量消减了。The orbit of a space satellite decayed.

这颗卫星是由水箭发射的。The satellite was launched in a rocket.

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这颗卫星是装在火箭上发射的。The satellite was launched in a rocket.

坐在一个电视卫星天线之上是日光室。A TV satellite dish sits atop a sunroom.

我们的国家能造人造卫星。Our country can make man-made satellite.

这颗卫星将被发射到太空。The satellite will be thrown into space.

宇宙飞船在空间与卫星对接。The spaceship docked with the satellite.

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他们向卫星定向发出无线电信号。They beamed the signal to the satellite.

我们的国家能造人造卫星。Our country can made man- made satellite.

该卫星影像是由日本气象厅提供的。The satellite imagery is provided by JMA.

这是曼海姆市的卫星照片。Satellite picture of the city of Mannheim.

新闻节目是经卫星传送到我们这儿的。The news program came to us via satellite.

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我很喜欢自己车里的Sirius卫星广播收音机。I love my Sirius satellite radio in my car.

他叫手下人通过卫星追踪到杰克的位置。He has his team track Jack on the satellite.

该节目经由卫星以电视现场转播。The program was telecast live via satellite.