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我兄弟居住于悉尼。My brother is living in Sydney.

他去悉尼附近的一所学校上学。He went to a school near Sydney.

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悉尼唐人街大变身!Sydney Chinatown Before & After!

悉尼的所属地区?What area does Sydney belong to?

他们住在悉尼附近的一个镇上。They lived in a town near Sydney.

我要订到悉尼的来回机票。I'd like a return flight to Sydney.

我要订到悉尼的单程机票。I'd like a single flight to Sydney.

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皮雪蔓,瓦鲁比路42号,悉尼。P. Sherman, 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.

瑞柏出生于澳洲的雪梨。Ribb was born at Sydney in Australia.

到达悉尼的第一个小时便是游泳。The first hour in Sydney was Swiming.

海外华人迎新春,悉尼同胞庆兔年。Year of the Rabbit gets Sydney hopping.

悉尼全城燃烧着奥林匹克的热情。Sydney is afire with Olympic enthusiasm.

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英州,悉尼大学,澳大利亚。Ying Zhou, Sydney University, Australia.

悉尼是新南威尔士州的首府。Sydney is the capital of New South Wales.

这船常航行于伦敦与悉尼之间。The ship plies between London and Sydney.

位于悉尼岩石区繁华地带。Located in the heart of Sydney Rocks area.

此测试将于今日在悉尼揭晓。The test will be unveiled in Sydney today.

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请问在悉尼有冇二手相机买卖市场或途径?。Is there any 2-nd hand DSLR market in Sydney?

欧·享利是威廉·悉尼·波特的笔名。O. Henry is pseudonym of William Sydney Porter.

一只母袋鼠和她的小宝宝。五月十九日摄于雪梨。A mother and her joey in Sydney on May 19, 2008.