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曾是又苦又甜。Was bittersweet.

这是一个苦乐参半的时刻。It was a bittersweet moment.

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结果令我又喜又悲。The result let me feel bittersweet.

但回忆总是苦乐参半。But the memories aren't all bittersweet.

阿尔及利亚参加世界杯赛的历史酸甜参半。Algeria’s World Cup history is bittersweet.

中等醇度,酸度温和,带有苦甜味。Medium Body, Mild Acidity, Bittersweet Taste.

这种悲喜交加的音色激起了他的艺术激情。This bittersweet quality fuels his artistic fires.

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但今年他们回家的心情却是喜忧参半。But this year, their homecoming has been bittersweet.

对于美国太空机构国家航空航天局而言,这是一个苦乐参半的周末。A bittersweet weekend for the U.S. space agency ----- NASA.

时装周及其苦乐参半的荣耀总是来了又去。Fashion Week and all its bittersweet glory has come and gone.

家庭生活也会有充满矛盾和苦楚的时候。Family life is filled with ambivalence and bittersweet moments.

文森梵高的一生就像一部悲喜交加的好莱坞人物传。VINCENT VAN GOGH seemed made for a bittersweet Hollywood biopic.

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法朵是一种苦乐参半风格的音乐,充满了乡愁和渴望。Fado is a bittersweet style music filled with longing and yearning.

对于营运了将近28年的超音速商业航行来讲,这是一个苦乐参半的结局。It was a bittersweet end to nearly 28 years of commercial supersonic travel.

这就构成了一幅最糟糕的艺术气质的肖像,野蛮而苦乐参半。It adds up to a savage, bittersweet portrait of artistic temperament at its worst.

被称为中国“最不幸的一代”的他们探索他们苦乐参半的记忆。Known as China's "unluckiest generation," they are exploring their bittersweet memories.

世上再没有比获救后再见到家人更让人感到悲喜交集的事了。And to be saved, to see my family again – it was the most bittersweet feeling imaginable.

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在过去的周末,阔嘴猴睡衣秋季经典是一个苦乐参半的周末我和我的爸爸!This past weekend at the Kyosho Fall Classic was a bittersweet weekend for me and my Dad!

对我个人而言,为这个演讲会作首场式讲话是悲喜交集的。Well, this is a bittersweet moment for me personally to deliver this first inaugural lecture.

酸甜苦辣咸笑而不语,再后来黄昏晓和李铁也来了。Bittersweet laugh instead of salty language, and then later at dusk, and Li Xiao also arrived.