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运动元素包含节奏、蒙太奇。Motional element contains rhythm and montage.

他们也创造了这个战役所需的蒙太奇般的视频They’ve also created a montage video of the campaign

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这一切都处处表现出一个以上的,边缘的时刻快节奏的蒙太奇。It all culminates in a fast-paced montage of above-the-rim moments.

以上是巴赞对蒙太奇理论批评的简略介绍。These are the montage Bazin on Criticism of the brief introduction.

例如巴赞对于蒙太奇破坏电影真实的观点就是不对的。For example, Bazin montage undermine the film is the wrong view of reality.

电影思维是以蒙太奇为主要手段的视觉形象思维。The film thought with montage as a primary means is a visual image thought.

下面的卫星图像显示地球上的植被随季节产生变化。This montage of satellite imagery shows how vegetation changes on Earth with the seasons.

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支持多种图片格式,甚至原文件制作蒙太奇照片平铺图像。Support multiple photo formats even RAW files as the tile images for making montage photos.

连线杂志参观了整个展区,为我们所能找到的最大规模3D电视制做了一个拍摄合辑。toured the show floor to compile a photographic montage of the biggest 3-D TVs we could find.

从这一观点出发,巴赞批评蒙太奇理论使电影丧失了真实性。From this point of view, Bazin critical theory to make the film lose its montage authenticity.

显然,这已经不能用爱森斯坦和普多夫金时代的蒙太奇理论去加以解释。Obviously, this can no longer use the Eisenstein and Pudovkin's montage theory of time to explain.

严歌苓的小说在情节发展和细节处理上具有蒙太奇叙事的特点。Yan Geling's novels have the characteristics of montage narratings in plot development and details.

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我花在辛辛苦苦剪辑过去录像上的时间,比我愿意承认的要多。I spent more hours than I'm willing to admit slaving over a video montage of our past year in pictures.

再现模式像蒙太奇模式,该计划结合了图像创建一个无缝的照片蒙太奇。In Emersion mode, like in Montage mode, the program combines images to create a seamless photo montage.

苏畅以一些他家烧焦的残留物的图片呈现了一个荒凉的废墟。Su Chang presents a desolate montage of his own with images of the charred remains of his family's home.

这张蒙太奇照片,由各种美国宇航局飞船所获得的多种照片构成,它显示了太阳系行星的次秩。This montage of photos, taken by various NASA spacecraft, shows the order of planets in the solar system.

蒙太奇这是一个怀念她们一种奉献,为她寻找自己再经过这样的损失。This montage is a rememberance for Katia and a dedication for her finding herself again after such a loss.

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柳子戏传统剧目中蒙太奇手法的运用广泛而多姿。The application of the montage in the traditional theatrical piece of Liuzi Drama is extensive and colorful.

冥冥中,仿如一只巨手将过往与今朝用蒙太奇的手段演绎、剪辑、编排、上演。It is like a huge hand to illustrate, clip, rehearse and perform the past and the present by montage technique.

他以独特手法运用音乐制作、新闻写作及蒙太奇,令作品超越艺术媒体的固有分类。His unique application of musical processes, journalism and montage allows his works to transcend categorisation.