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她是那么冰清玉洁。She is cold and chaste.

她是一位节烈女子。She was a rigorously chaste woman.

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我确信他是贞节的人,就像月亮一样贞洁。I am sure he is chaste as the moon is.

这时,贞淑的萨拉高声叹了一口气。Here the chaste Sarah heaved a loud sigh.

你笑的很纯,笑的很真,我喜欢!Your smile is chaste and true, I like it!

这出戏的女主角可真节烈。The heroine of the play is rigorously chaste.

消失了那水晶般纯洁而又如此脆弱的心。Vanished that quartz to be chaste and the also so frail heart.

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他过着孤独朴素的生活,致力于诗歌创作。He kept himself solitary and chaste. He devoted himself to poetry.

得,乌雅氏也把德妃扯进来了。Get, black Ya Shi likewise pulled chaste royal concubine to come in.

如果你不贞洁,洁净,就不会经历复活。If you're not chaste and pure, you won't experience the resurrection.

任何一个贞洁的妇女都不应该和你这样的男人同坐在一个房间里。You were a man whom no chaste woman should sit in the same room with.

她显得很正经,但是我不知道她是否真的纯洁到那种程度。She acts prudishly, but I wonder whether she is really all that chaste.

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许多贞洁贤淑的娘儿们,都是这样蒙上了不白之冤。And many worthy and chaste dames even thus, All guiltless, meet reproach.

只有真正贞洁的女人才谈得上真正纯洁的爱情。Wholly pure sentiments are to be found only in women who are wholly chaste.

一个有贞洁的人永远不会被附体,相信我的话,永远不会。A chaste man can never get possessed, take it from Me – can never get possessed.

先生们,你们看到了,现在站在诸位面前的就是一位纯真无邪的姑娘。Gentlemen, you see standing before you what appears to be an innocent and chaste girl.

武德帝将她的表情看在眼里,却不言语。The martial chaste throne sees her facial expression in ugg boots eye, but not speech.

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而那眉眼轻挑的却是暗暗剜了德妃一眼。But that eyebrow eye easily pick of yet is secretly a Wan chaste regal concubine's one eye.

一个贞洁的人不应是个自我中心的人,在与他人的关系上,也不会捲入自私的人际关系。The chaste person is not self-centred, not involved in selfish relationships with other people.

但她似乎是个贞洁娴静的女子,依此揣测,又是格格不入。But she seems a woman that the chaste Xian calms down, surmises according to this, again inharmonious.