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要不要我用理发推子理后面的头发?Shall I use the clipper on the back?

克利皮尔火车首先到达纽约。The Clipper arrives in New York first.

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我能用指甲剪修剪我的指甲。I can use a nail clipper to cut my fingernails.

你需要手绢,肥皂和指甲刀。You need handkerchiefs, soap and a nail clipper.

这个夏天,帆船头受到众多男士欢迎。This summer, clipper cut is preferred by many men.

1935年底,美国的远程客机开始了横越太平洋的飞行。Late in 1935 American clipper planes began trans-Pacific flight.

奇切斯特沿着十九世纪大型三桅帆船的航线航行。Chichester followed the route of the great nineteenth century clipper ships.

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更短的理发剪能让头发修剪的更靠近头皮。The shorter clipper gauge will allow the hair to be trimmed closer to the scalp.

纵帆帆船和快速帆船迅速驶向布宜诺斯艾利斯、金士顿、墨尔本新加坡等地。Schooners and clipper ships sped to Buenos Aires and Kingston, Melbourne and Singapore.

开始剪下一层头发的时候,换成带有短梳的剪刀。Change the clipper gauges to a shorter comb to begin fading the next layer of hair down.

还记得卡赛尔还是快艇球员的时候,他公然提出交易出快艇队。Remember when Cassell openly campaigned to leave the Clippers while he was still a Clipper?

此地也保存了曾经为最快速的帆船「短衬衫号」,同时也是国家海事博物馆的所在地。Greenwich is also home to the famous tea clipper the Cutty Sark and the national Maritime Museum.

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但是,这是目前官方的共识大学球员从俄克拉何马年将是快船。But this is now official, the consensus College Player of the Year from Oklahoma will be a Clipper.

拥有一头短发,你可有许多种发型,例如刺头,帆船头,把头发梳的高高的一绺,或者贴脸式。With short hair, you could do many hairstyles like spikes, high and tight, clipper cut and face as well.

克利伯2015-16届环球帆船赛于2015年8月30日在伦敦的圣凯瑟琳码头起航,本届比赛为克利伯帆船赛的第十届比赛。The Clipper 2015-16 Race starts from St Katharine Docks, London on 30 August 2015 and will be the event's tenth edition.

可惜由于不精确航海图的误导以及印尼海域恶劣天气的影响,库克号cv4在爪哇海触礁。Unfortunately due to the navigational errors and hazard in the Indonesia waters, cork clipper cv4 hit reef in the Java sea.

豪华钉剪折叠式的4倍放大镜,增加信任,减少眼睛疲劳剪婴儿的微型指甲。Deluxe nail clipper with fold-away 4x magnifier to increase confidence and reduce eyestrain while trimming baby's tiny nails.

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太平洋的海况条件给克利伯70尺帆船打破新纪录提供了完美的基础,当前的时速记录是每小时30.7节。The Pacific Ocean conditions provide the perfect environment for the Clipper 70s to break the current 30.7 knots speed record.

比赛的经历是非常激动人心的,不经意间激起了我想参加更多比赛的欲望,甚至还想要尝试下环球航海。It has been a very exciting experience and it has made me want to do more legs on the Clipper Race or even sail around the world.

快帆船时代的结束是在轮船出现之后,但对它们的记忆还留在洛杉矶两支NBA球队之一的名字上。The clipper ship era ended with the advent of steamships, but their memory lives on in the name of one of Los Angeles' two NBA teams.