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请给我荷兰盾。Dutch guilders, please.

荷兰在1000百万像素疯狂。Dutch madness in 1000 megapixels.

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名声就像画在墙上的饼,不可以拿来吃。We can have Dutch pancake and wine.

她曾亲吻过一个荷兰年轻人。She had snogged a younger Dutch man.

荷兰人控制了波罗的海的贸易往来The Dutch dominate the Baltic trade.

2003年获得荷兰足协杯亚军。Runner-up of Dutch National Cup in 2003.

那个荷兰人操着纯正的英语问道。The Dutch asked in round, correct English.

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荷兰人“说不”还有其他的理由。There were other reasons for the Dutch no.

荷兰品牌的森林浆果味金酒。Dutch brand of forest-berry flavored genever.

不,各付各的,我不喜欢让别人请客。No, we'll go Dutch. I don't like to freeload.

荷兰人对于吃巧克力有一个悠久的历史。The Dutch have a long history with chocolate.

何兰橙色统治了德国赛场的看台。Dutch fans color dominate the stand in Germany.

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威士忌,白兰地,伏特加,朗姆酒,特其拉酒,荷兰琴酒。Brandy, whisky, vodka, rum, wine, the Dutch gin.

英语、荷兰语、德语是同语族的语言。English, Dutch and German are cognate languages.

我过去有个常来的朋友,荷兰人。I used to have a regular friend, a Dutch person.

荷兰人一直都传颂着圣尼古拉的传说。The Dutch kept the legend of St. Nicholas alive.

然而他们却无法对荷兰横加指责。Yet they couldn't condemn the Dutch fast enough.

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这个荷兰人说法语几乎不带任何口音。The Dutch man spoke French with hardly any accent.

荷兰人有一种做事特立独行的倾向。The Dutch have a tendency to do things differently.

对于失利,荷兰队教练伯特范马尔维克显得很坦然。Dutch coach Bert Van Marwijk was gracious in defeat.