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我不乐爱吃芦笋。I don't like asparagus.

它们是莴笋。They are Asparagus lettuce.

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用烟肉把芦笋捲起。Use bacon to roll asparagus.

有很多芦笋嫩茎。There are many asparagus spears.

麻烦谁把龙须菜递给我。Someone pass the asparagus to me.

但话又说回来,芦笋也是如此。But then again, so does asparagus.

将芝士汁淋在芦笋上即可。Sprinkle cheese juice on asparagus.

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美味白芦笋登场!White Asparagus Season Is Starting!

养的第一盆花是文竹。The first raised flower is asparagus.

约翰,介绍芦笋那道菜。Joh, tell us about the asparagus dish.

芦笋。是的,女士。要汤还是沙拉?The asparagus. Yes, ma'am . Soup or salad?

水开后,投入芦笋汆熟。When the water boils, drop the asparagus to poach.

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你也许能在火星上把芦笋种得很好。You might be able to grow asparagus in it really well.

我原来一直以为芦笋是带着橡皮圈长大的。I assumed asparagus grew with a rubber band around them.

烟熏三文鱼,茴香,芦笋色拉配芥末调味汁。Smoked salmon, fennel & asparagus salad, mustard dressing.

将3杯水煮沸后加盐及糖,将露笋烚熟。Boil 3 cups of water , add salt and sugar , poach asparagus.

他们就著果子冻、烤土豆和竹笋吃著羊肉。They both had mutton with jelly, roast potatoes and asparagus.

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今天的青菜是龙须菜”,侍者说。Asparagus is the vegetable of the day, " announced the waiter."

还有象芦笋和橙汁,都富含叶酸。Other foods rich in folic acid include asparagus and orange juice.

厨师安东用龙虾和芦笋搭配,制作出了一道口感很好的菜肴。Anton the chef concocts a sensual coupling of lobster and asparagus.