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ETH的科学家对这一稻株新品种十分兴奋。The ETH scientists are excited about the new rice variety.

弗兰克·施韦策是瑞士苏黎世理工学院系统设计专业主任。Frank Schweitzer is chair of systems design at ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

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还有研究人员感兴趣的是联邦,但他们不那么突出。There are still researchers interested in the ETH , but they are less prominent.

至少目前发布的这个版本是由苏黎世理工学院和微软版权所有的。This early take-a-peek code is being released under a copyright held by ETH Zurich and Microsoft.

Barrelfish是由微软剑桥研究院和苏黎世理工学院合作开发的。Microsoft Research, Cambridge, created Barrelfish in conjunction with ETH Zurich, a technology university.

在瑞士,这个企业与一家以技术闻名的大学苏黎世联邦理工学院建立了联系,威腾斯坦先生说。Being in Switzerland gives the firm access to ETH Zurich, a fine technical university, Mr Wittenstein says.

ETH的研究人员设计了一种特殊的检眼镜,他们计划凭借它来跟踪眼睛里的机器人。Researchers at the ETH have designed a special ophthalmoscope with which they plan to track the robots inside the eye.

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第三,继续加强社会主义精神文明建设,努力为推动科学发展提供良好文化条件。Third, continue to strengthen the socialist Culture and Eth , take efforts to provide fine cultural conditions for scientific development.

但是,外星人假说来解释绑架事件的可靠性在那些调查过这些现象的心理学家中存在争论。However, the credibility of the ETH as an explanation for abductions is disputed by most psychologists who have investigated this phenomenon.

伊丽莎白没有跟她争辩,静静地留在穿堂里,等母亲和吉蒂走得看不见了,才又回到会客室来。eth made no attempt to reason with her mother, but remained quietly in the hall, till she and Kitty were out of sight, then returned into the drawing room.

虽然外星人假说在专家委员会那里未能有所进展,一些科学家和工程师,最著名的有埃文斯顿的西北大学的一位天文学家J.Despite the failure of the ETH to make headway with the expert committees, a few scientists and engineers, most notably J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill.