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因为你只需常识就可以了。for that you just need commonsense.

当然,使用常识在这里太。But of course, use your commonsense here too.

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我们探究那些很常识性的东西。We have to take things that are commonsense and explore them.

这些都是一些常识性的步骤,将有助于经济。Those are a few commonsense steps that would help the economy.

因果关系知识是常识推理的一个重要部分。Knowledge of causation is an important part of commonsense reasoning.

总统的一番情理之言表达了法院对恩格尔案的本意。The President's commonsense approach captured the Court's intent in Engel.

主席做了一个陈腐的演讲,让每个有常识的听众都厌倦。The chairman made a commonplace speech, which bored every commonsense audience.

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基于常识判断,能源和环保领域中的许多机会是有吸引力的。Many of the energy and environmental opportunities presented a commonsense appeal.

有常识的联邦政府不再使用不寻常的陈腐之言。The commonsense commonwealth government no longer uses the uncommon commonplace.

我的意思是,不管常识怎么解释的,我们都将看看如何证明这个定理。I mean, in spite of this commonsense explanation, we are going to see how to prove this.

如果你现在看看休谟关于自然科学所说的内容,里面的大部分看起来像是常识。If you now look at Hume's have to say about science, a lot of it will look like commonsense.

这些都是常识性的想法——这些想法已经得到民主党人和共和党人的支持。These are commonsense ideas – ideas that have been supported by both Democrats and Republicans.

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这些都是很基本的想法——这些想法也曾得到民主党和共和党的共同支持。These are commonsense ideas – ideas that have been supported by both Democrats and Republicans.

但我将不会毫不迟疑地设立或者强制执行常识性的保护性规则,以保护美国人民。But I will not hesitate to create or enforce commonsense safeguards to protect the American people.

这种常识性的结论令此书不至于被归到“完全让人沮丧”一类。It's this kind of commonsense conclusion that keeps the book from being tossed in the "total downer" bin.

至少关于记忆的基本特质,常识是很容易出错的。At least for these basic properties of memory, commonsense intuitions are more likely to be wrong than right.

外延意义往往被描述为定义,文字,一个词明显或常识性的意义。Denotative meaning tends to be described as the definitional, literal, obvious or commonsense meaning of a word.

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建设社会主义新农村已成为全党全社会的共同认识和行动纲领。Constructing socialism new-style country has become an commonsense and programme of action of our party and community.

联合国贸发会开展了项目,做一些改进这种状况必须做的事情,那就是将共识和饱含希望的想法联合起来。Unctad's take on what needs to be done to improve this situation is a combination of commonsense and wishful thinking.

他们必须告诉你们为什么他们反对这个在当下能帮助各个家庭,并巩固我们的经济的正常提议。They’ll have to tell you why they’re against commonsense proposals that would help families and strengthen our communities right now.