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找一个教练。Get a coach.

雇个教练。Find a coach.

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她是个慢性子。She is a slow coach.

他是一位神奇的教练。He is a fantastic coach.

二等舱要多少钱?。How much is coach class?

我辅导人们驾驶。I coach people to drive.

我们乘坐长途车能到达那里。We can get there by coach.

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我还可以把他们训练成一支足球队。I'll coach the soccer team.

教练夸我动作特好。My coach like me very much.

我们喜欢乘长途汽车旅行。We like to travel by coach.

让我们乘坐这趟长途客车旅游一次吧!Let's go on this coach tour!

一个球队由教练和队员组成。Coach and cagers make a team.

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你这里可不可以预购长途汽车票?Can I book coach tickets here?

我们确实没有专门大个的教练。Not like a real big-man coach.

噢,坐长途汽车怎么样?Oh, what about taking a coach?

嘿,教练,什么是烤架?Hey coach. What's the gridiron?

施蒂恩,你先走-好,教练。Steen, you go first. yo, coach.

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教练叫他担任中锋。The coach played him at centre.

西单女孩错过公共汽车了?。Did you miss the motor coach rv?

赛前,超音速队教练P。Before the game, Seattle coach P.