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雪豹桌面。Snow Leopard desktop.

花豹改变不了身上的花斑。本性难改。A leopard can't change its spots.

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金钱豹改变不了斑点。A leopard cannot change its spots.

金钱豹永远改变不了身上的斑点。A leopard never changes its spots.

两者都在雪豹操作系统中得到了反映。Both are reflected in Snow Leopard.

花豹石,失控的情绪。Leopard skin agate, out of control.

花豹和河马在比赛。The leopard is fast. The hippo is slow.

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我昨天看见一个穿着豹皮的男人。I saw a man in a leopard skin yesterday.

貔“指以雪豹为图腾的氏族。"PI"indicates totem clan of snow leopard.

一只海豹躲在浮游生物的幕面。A sea leopard behind a curtain of plankton.

我以前从未看过花豹那样做。I have never seen a leopard doing that before.

树皮就像金钱豹的皮一样。Its bark looks like the leopard skin patterns.

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噢,一般情况下是步行、坐车、坐公车。Hornbills are not commonly a leopard prey item.

她们象豹一样回过头,看豹。They look back at the leopard like the leopard.

这就是我们俗话说的“江山易改本性难移”。This is what we say" leopard change his spots".

一只南极海豹跳入南极水中。A leopard seal plunges through Antarctic waters.

美洲豹象征着自然,它在那里显得很自然而已。The leopard was Nature, and he was being natural.

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山地摄影机抓拍到一只野生幼年雪豹的影像。A wild baby snow leopard has been caught on camera.

我不这样认为,有道是江山易改,本性难移啊。I don't think so. Can the leopard change its spots?

菏泽哪里有卖粉红顽皮豹?Where does Heze have selling the naughty pink leopard?