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而且毛里求斯没有衰落的迹象。And there’s nothing ramshackle about Mauritius.

他们和一个由其他反叛者草草拼凑成的同盟联起手来。They joined with a ramshackle alliance of other rebels.

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鲁尔把他们的行李卸在庞大的摇摇欲坠的拉福尔斯旅馆里。At the big ramshackle Baffles Hotel Rule dropped their bags.

终于看见几间破烂不堪,用铁皮做屋顶的屋子。Finally a small cluster of ramshackle tin-roofed houses came into sight.

正如婚姻的破裂,加里摇摇欲坠的小屋也开始瓦解。As the marriage breaks down, Gary’s ramshackle building begins also to disintegrate.

大约不到200年以前,人们开始用ramshackle来形容建筑。People started calling tumbledown buildings ramshackle a little less than 200 years ago.

她住在郊区一间破烂不堪的房子里,但她从不抱怨。She lived in a ramshackle house on the outskirts of the village, and she never complained.

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我们穿过一个小湖来到他的另一边就是这个破败的小村落了。We came across a small lake to one side of which was this deserted and ramshackle village.

循着一条间隙,踏着满是灰尘、摇摇欲坠的木楼梯我走上二楼。Follow a gap, marching, dusty, ramshackle wooden stairs I stepped forward onto the second floor.

每天下战书,一个背着一大背柴禾的老太婆都市从那间井井有条的衡宇前踉跄着走过。Every afternoon a very old woman hobbled past the ramshackle house, a vast load of firewood on her back.

长达一个多小时的安检则是在离主会场两公里以外的一个摇摇欲坠的场所内进行的。Security clearance, an hour-long marathon, took place in a ramshackle lot two kilometers away from the main venue.

穿过迷雾,我有时看到破烂的房屋上插着红旗,还有不知其所以然的开发。Through the haze I picked out the occasional red flag among rather ramshackle housing and nondescript developments.

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农房摇摇欲坠,那扇门打开后,霍布斯太太就出现在陷入绝境的这家人面前。The door of the ramshackle farmhouse opened, and Mrs. Hobbs introduced herself to a family in a desperate situation.

我第一次受到打击还得追溯到90年代,我和另外两个爱尔兰人住在前东德一间摇摇欲坠的小公寓。My first real plunge was back in the mid 90s.I shared a ramshackle flat with two other Irish lasses in the former East.

陋居包括一座相当大,摇摇欲坠的房子,一间车库,一座带有个小湖的花园,和被树篱围成的院子。The Burrow includes a rather large, ramshackle house, a garage, a garden with a small lake, and yards surrounded by hedges.

稍后,当另一座貌似不起眼的建筑物进入视线,他补充说,“那个属于两个来自香港的女老板“。Moments later, when another ramshackle compound comes into view, he adds, “and that one belongs to two ladies from Hong Kong.”

在远处的河岸,有一间摇摇欲坠的砖头房子,里面有一只照明的电灯泡,那里住着三个农民——丈夫、妻子和十几岁的儿子。On the far bank there was a ramshackle one-room brick house, where three of the farmers lived — a husband, wife and teenage son.

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一天晚上,过度失眠中的诗人忽然坠入梦乡,梦里,他就站在那幢摇摇欲坠的房子的一个房间里。One night, in a surfeit of sleeplessness, the poet leapt suddenly into a dream in which he stood in a room in a ramshackle house.

一个女人从她破败的仿佛要塌掉的公寓花朵图案帘子后兜售紧身弹力超短裙和粗俗艳丽的带图案短衫。A woman sells skintight spandex miniskirts and gaudy, patterned blouses from behind a flowery curtain in her ramshackle apartment.

所有东西看上去都摇摇欲坠,这个看上去乱糟糟的理发师正懒洋洋地躺在椅子上,等待下一位顾客。Everything looked rather run-down and ramshackle. The scruffy-looking barber within was lolling on a chair waiting for his next customer.