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医学人类学是一门新兴交叉学科。Medical anthropology is a new intersectional subject.

测试结果使用验证和交叉验证方法得到。Experiment result is get by the means of confirmation and intersectional confirmation.

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一些最优秀的创意都来源于,不同学科的交汇处。Some of the best innovations come at the intersectional parts of the different disciplines.

只输入图形的已知信息,交切计算自动分组进行。The intersectional and tangential calculations can be processed in entity groups automatically.

复杂科学是研究复杂性和复杂系统的一门交叉科学。Complexity Science is an intersectional science that researches into complexity and complex system.

运用光束传播法对硅交叉波导全内反射光开关中的光学效应进行了详细分析。Optical effects in intersectional silicon waveguide switch are investigated by using beam propagation method.

同时这些内容也存在着互相交叉的关系,所以具体应用的时候需要综合分析、科学决策。At the same time, they have intersectional relation, so we should systematic analyze and make scientific decision.

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声化学是研究利用超声波来加速化学反应,改变反应途径的一门新兴交叉学科。Sonochemistry is a new field of intersectional research to accelerate the chemical reaction or change reaction course with ultrasound.

共同犯罪中止问题是涵盖共同犯罪理论和犯罪中止理论两大理论的交叉领域的问题。A joint crime problem is covering suspending joint crime theory and the theory of discontinuance of crime is two large theory of intersectional fields.

数据挖掘是面向应用的多学科交叉领域,应用推动了数据挖掘技术和理论的研究。Data mining is an application oriented multiple-subject intersectional field and the data mining techniques and theories are motivated by applications.

分区之间设立区际节点用于分区之间的信任传递,分区内部信任域之间通过信任域根节点之间的交叉认证完成信任的传递。Setting up intersectional node during the subareas to complete trust transfer, trust areas' root nodes complete trust transfer by cross-certifying during trust areas.

求解模型得到贷款组合有效前沿曲线,有效前沿曲线与无差异曲线的交点为满足银行特定风险偏好的最优贷款组合。Optimal loan′s portfolio satisfying the bank′s risk preference can be solved from the intersectional graphic position of indifference curve and efficient frontier curve.

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该方法首先对信号在特定不同尺度上的小波变换结果进行“多尺度交叉搜索”,然后再在此基础上进行自适应判决检测。First, "Multi-Scale Intersectional Search"is adopted for analysis of wavelet transform coefficients on some different scales, then adaptive detection is used on this basis.

木材内部缺陷无损检测技术是新兴的多学科交叉的技术,该技术对木材生产领域及其深加工等多方面有着较高的应用价值。Wood inner-defect detecting technology is a newly arisen and many subjects intersectional technology which has been successfully applied in wood production and many other fields.

在工程制图中,某些曲面立体相贯时的相贯线的形状非常复杂,以及一些立体模型难以想象。In engineering drawing the intersectional lines which are formed by spatially intercropping of some curved surfaces have very complicated shape and unthinkable tridimensional model.

但地处城市边缘地带的污染模拟受光化学和区域性污染的影响,有待于进一步研究。Howerer, further research should be carried out in the boundary areas where the simulation is much more affected by photochemical pollution and the regional intersectional pollution.

但是旅游房地产在发展中也出现了诸多问题,一些房地产的开发建设已经对旅游业和生态环境造成了负面影响。As an intersectional industry of tourist industry and realty business, it is of great significance to develop the tourism real estate to promote the positive interaction of two industries.

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儿童营养政策经历了早期跨部门营养计划、“营养孤立主义”和以战略目标为导向的营养行动三个时期。Children nutrition policy had been developed into three stages, such as intersectional nutrition planning in early time, nutrition isolationism and strategic goals oriented nutrition activities.

木材表面缺陷检测是多学科交叉的技术,该技术对木材生产领域及其深加工等多方面有着较高的应用价值。Disfigurement detection of the wood surface is a multi-disciplinary and intersectional technology, which has upper applied values In the manufacture field and many spheres of farther processing.

目前上海市制造业最为集中的只有四个行业,而其余行业区域集中度不高,不具有明显的区际意义。It concludes that there are only four industries with high concentration degree in Shanghai presently, while others shows no distinct intersectional significance due to its low concentration degree.