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那是一座高耸的方形尖塔。It is a very tall obelisk.

仔细看一下这座方尖石塔。Take a good look at this obelisk.

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在圣叙尔皮斯方尖碑的基座处。At the base of the Sulpice obelisk.

在广场的正中央,是根一柱擎天的埃及方尖碑。At the middle of the piazza, stood an obelisk.

红月亮爬上英国方尖塔顶。Hong Yueliang climbedontopofthe British obelisk.

神秘方尖塔上的冰冷岩石保守着它的秘密。The cold stone of the mysterious obelisk guards its secrets.

仔细看一下这座方尖石塔。它是为谁而建的?Take a good look at this obelisk. In whose honour was it erected?

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方尖碑地段就是纪念他死亡的纪念碑了。An obelisk on a spit of land across the bay commemorates his death.

你大概需要在这里印个短箭号来引起读者注意。You may want to print an obelisk here to draw your reader's attention.

圣马可钟楼在银色月光的映衬下如同一座深色方尖塔。San Marco's bell tower was a dark obelisk against the silvery moonlight.

很安静。园子里也有一个方尖碑调塑和反映池。There is a broken obelisk sculpture with a reflecting pool on the grounds.

接着,他向左转身,沿着铜线向北面的方尖碑走去。Then he turned left and followed the brass line due north toward the obelisk.

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他把篙抽上来撑了一下把他们带离了一个屹立的绿色尖碑。He thrust his pole out ahead of them and pushed them away from a towering green obelisk.

陌生人来到方尖碑的基座边是教友们发出的信号。The arrival of this stranger at the base of the obelisk was asignal from the brotherhood.

其中另一项新增加的是神族能够在基地建立一个方尖碑。One of the other new boosts to the Protoss race is the ability to build an obelisk at your base.

在这行星上,一个实体黑色方尖碑屹立著,代表对这位深具影响力的帝国军官一个尊崇的回忆。On that planet, a solid black obelisk stands as tribute to the memory of this influential Imperial.

方尖塔的灵感来自于市徽、喷泉和其他景观元素。The square obelisk inspired by the emblem of the municipality, a fountain and additional landscaping elements.

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就在你触摸方尖塔的一刹那,塔面显现出一些符号,告知你寻找龙之巢穴的方位。As soon as you touch the obelisk , signs appear on its surface indicating where you can find one of the dragon nests.

鸡蛋是世界上用途最广的食物之一,每年十月的第二个周五被定为“世界蛋品日”。People disguised as eggs pose in front of the Obelisk in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Friday as World Egg Day is celebrated across the world.

原来的设计是一座楼宇伴有华盛顿骑战车的塑像围绕一座金字塔状的碑。The original design called for the familiar obelisk surrounded by a large building with a statue of Washington driving a Roman chariot on top.