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他是一位天文观测员。He is a astronomical observer.

成本也是个天文数字。And the cost can be astronomical.

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我们最终得到的Q是一个天文数字。Turns out, it is an astronomical number.

我们应该为这个天文数字般的错误率感到惊讶吗?Should this astronomical error rate surprise us?

那么你会有天文数字的系统状态。So you have this astronomical number of system states.

如今,几乎所有大天文台都使用了CCD。Now, nearly every major astronomical observatory uses CCDs.

实时全息图像需要天文数字的比特量。Real-time holography requires astronomical amounts of bits.

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太阳到地球的距离即为一个天文单位。The distance from the sun to earth is one astronomical unit.

天文照相术得到巨大发展。It leads to the dramatic advances in astronomical photography.

一个天文单位是地球与太阳之间的距离。An astronomical unit is the distance between Earth and our sun.

地球也是一个,因为我们用天文单位。For the Earth, it is one because we work in astronomical units.

仅仅来自大陆的需求就是一个天文数字。The demand from the mainland alone is going to be astronomical.

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它可能会在距离太阳3万个天文单位的地方被发现。It could be found up to 30, 000 astronomical units from the sun.

大部分天文望远镜都是运用的焦点星光的反射原理。MOST astronomical telescopes employ reflection to focus starlight.

通用星盘的出现最终导致了天文钟的发展。Astrolabes ultimately led to the development of astronomical clocks.

一天文单位等于从地球到太阳的距离。One astronomical unit equals the distance from the earth to the sun.

一个天文单位等于地球到太阳之间的距离。One astronomical unit is the distance between the Earth and the sun.

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一些人认为,巨石阵乃是天文台。Some argue that megalithic complexes are astronomical observatories.

在东京天文台有一个小的菱形台网。There is a small network of rhombus in tokyo astronomical observatory.

历法是“君权神授”的“天命”的象征。The astronomical calendar symbolized the "mandate of Heaven" for the ruler.