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尽可能的与他人保持沟通和互动。Socialise and interact with others as much as possible.

同时我们经常在工作结束后去社交场所,几乎像一个大家庭。And we go often socialise after work almost like a family.

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有时无钱要进行社交会令人备受打击。Sometimes it is frustrating trying to socialise with no money.

抽时间进行社交——跟朋友聚聚,也是为自己抽出时间。Make time to socialise with friends – and also make time for yourself.

其余的一些热门话题则与朋友、社交计划有关。Other top subjects were mutual friends and making plans to socialise.

宝瓶座倾向于跟家友和亲戚交往。Aquarius People are likely to socialise with family friends and relatives.

一排树木和从露天空间升起的光塔也被计划作为社交场地。A row of trees and a minaret rise from the open-air space, which is also intended as a place to socialise.

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因为越来越多的人没有时间参加社交活动,办公室恋情日益受到青睐。Relationships with co-workers can be especially tempting,because more and more people have no time to socialise.

宽吻海豚和圭亚那海豚是远亲关系,但经常会在哥斯达黎加沿海海域聚会交流。Bottlenose and Guyana dolphins, two distantly related species, often come together to socialise in waters off the coast of Costa Rica.

车厢里,特别是尾部放开水炉的地方也是社交场所。The corridor – and in particular the all-important samovar dispensing boiling water at the end of it – was also the place to socialise.

据统计,三分之二的孩子们玩的是视频游戏,这需要他们面对面的和朋友或者家人一起玩,只有差不多四分之一说他们和未曾谋面的网友玩游戏.Nearly two-thirds play video games to socialise face-to-face with friends and family, while just over a quarter said they play with Internet friends.

如果政府只知道把风险社会化,而不允许更多的人从金融行业的回报中受益,我们不能接受。It is not acceptable for the government to socialise the risk without allowing the wider society to capitalise on the rewards in the finance industry.

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Vigdor教授称使用家用电脑有害是影响学生很容易分心并最后把时间都用在社交和玩游戏上去了。Professor Vigdor claims home computer access is damaging because students are easily distracted and end up using their time to socialise and play games.

我相信在其他国家他们在单身汉时就买了途安,而在我们国家小夫妻俩在孩子诞生之前才买途安,那么就没有更多的时间来参加俱乐部集会之类的社交活动。But I think in other countries they buy a Touran as a single person or couple in this country they buy them when the kids arrive and have no time to socialise like club meets.

互联网主要覆盖了发达国家,或者是穷国中的富人,而且还已经影响了人们的消费,储蓄习惯,改变了人们听音乐,看新闻和社交行为。The internet has mostly touched rich countries, and rich people in poor countries, but has already changed the way people shop, bank, listen to music, read news and socialise.

同时我们发现这里一切是如此的积极向上,这里可以发生巨大的进展,比如我们的孩子们可以尽情的沟通和社交。And we're ­finding that in this place where there's so much positivity, huge strides forward can happen, especially in terms of our children being able to communicate and socialise.

虽然这些游戏中都包括角色扮演和任务完成,但是其他的游戏紧紧提供了另类的世界,在那里玩家可以进行社会交往,挣钱以及互相贸易。Whilst many of these kinds of games involve role-playing and fulfilling tasks, others simply offer an alternative universe where players can socialise , earn money and trade with each other.

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而且,收益与其计划的原意有所违背,这项计划就是让金融业收到巨大冲击并让数百万的人失去房屋的损失成本由大家来共同承担。Indeed, profit is inconsistent with the point of such a programme which is to socialise losses that would otherwise cripple the financial sector and toss millions of people out of their homes.