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你需要一架照像机。You need a camera.

还有个摄影机。There is the camera.

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买个还过得去的相机。Use a decent camera.

对着镜头笑一笑。Smile for the camera.

这架相机漏光。The camera leaks light.

不要忘带相机。And don’t omit a camera.

摄像头也有很大提升。Camera is much-improved.

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她的相机容易上胶卷。Her camera loads easily.

我特怵拍照。I'm horribly camera shy.

当然,选择摄像机。Select Camera of course.

这相机漏光。This camera leaks light.

你需要更大的照相机。You need a bigger camera.

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光导摄像管摄像系统?。VCS? Vidicon Camera System?

您拿相机做何用?How Will You Use the Camera?

圆形大厅东面阳台的摄像头。Rotunda east balcony camera.

这个照相机漏光。The camera has a light leak.

这个相机是纪念品。This camera is for souvenir.

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这是傻瓜相机。This is an autofocus camera.

你怎么给这个照相机上胶卷?How do you thread the camera?

折出一台纸针孔相机!How to Fold a Pinhole Camera?