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我是多么的富有!How rich I am!

要是我成了富人。If I were rich.

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是的,日本很富。Yes, Japan is rich.

为什么一条河会很富有?Why is a river rich?

可乐里含有丰富的维生紊。Coke is rich in life.

所有这些阔佬!all those rich folks!

莫利是个富有的女人。Molly was a rich woman.

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她会嫁壹个囿钱的男人。She'd marry a rich men.

谢是一个富人。Xie was a very rich man.

他有一副深沈的男低音歌喉。He has a rich bass voice.

他父亲很富。His father was very rich.

我想大富大贵。I want to be really rich.

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丰富的马笼头皮革饰边。Rich bridle leather trim.

所以我们的议程内容很丰富。So we have a rich agenda.

卡西和李奇在跳舞了。Cath and Rich are dancing.

中国的矿产丰富。China is rich in minerals.

中国物产丰富。China is rich in products.

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幸福是一块丰裕的宝石。Happiness is a rich stone.

他巴结富有的叔叔。He fawns on his rich uncle.

山林丰富而得名。Hillwood rich and the name.