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他以伤害罪被逮捕。He got arrested for assault.

突击登陆艇就要被放下水去。Assault craft would be lowered.

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这项突袭计划正在被磨合。The assault plan was now honed.

该城被攻陷。The city was captured by assault.

其他人没有逃脱袭击。Others did not escape the assault.

法庭判决她猥亵罪。Court acquits her of indecent assault.

暴力不单是身体上的伤害。Violence is not only physical assault.

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对其中任一成员的羞辱就是对整个集体的羞辱。An assault on one is an assault on all.

完成所有的直升机攻击任务。Complete all instances of Heli Assault.

他领导了对敌人要塞的进击。He led an assault on the enemy's fortress.

对桑地来说,就是要袭击袭击剧院。As for Sandy, he was to make an assault on.

军号一响,突袭便开始了。The bugle sounded and the assault jumped off.

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他为了那种袭击罪把那汉子送到新门监狱。He sent the fellow to Newgate for that assault.

你怎么看待方舟子遇袭事件吗?How do you see the assault event of FangZhouzi?

照片上,他手持一把AK-47型突击步枪。Photographs, he holding a AK-47 assault rifles.

劫持人质者在警方突袭中丧生。The hostage taker was killed in police assault.

我先冲锋最好马上来个断筋。I first assault immediately to the best-off gluten.

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歹徒时常在黑暗的街道上攻击被害者。Muggers often assault their victims on dark streets.

一群精子必须攻击一个卵巢并且战胜它。An army of sperm must assault an ova and overcome it.

在经历了这样的袭击事件后,印度人的愤怒是很自然的。Anger is natural by Indians after such a big assault.