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组织有绞窄且血液供应差。There is strangulation of tissue and poor blood supply.

她颈部有擦伤,应该是扼杀留下的痕迹。She's got bruising to the neck which is consistent with manual strangulation.

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连接在童床或游戏围栏时可能发生缠结或窒息危害。Possible entanglement or strangulation injury when attached to crib or playpen.

我们经历了五年的愚昧,贪婪,还有对梦想的慢性压制。We endured half a decade of stupidity, cupidity and the slow strangulation of dreams.

法瑞恩于1月6日在新卡纳市被捕,他被指控谋杀未遂和勒杀两项罪名。Farren was arrested Jan. 6 in New Canaan on charges of attempted murder and strangulation.

一些阴谋论者认为他实际上死于暗杀,而非上吊自尽。Some conspiracy theorists believe his suicide by strangulation was in fact an assassination.

女性腹股沟疝发病率低,但易并发嵌顿及滑动疝。Groin hernia presents a low incidence but relatively high strangulation rate in female patients.

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摘要手术前诊断粘黏性肠阻塞的肠环的绞榨一直是困难的。The pre-operative diagnosis of small intestinal strangulation due to an adhesion ileus is often difficult.

他宣称他的军队系“奉命采取各种措施,以防止此城市的形势更为恶化”。His army, he declared, had been ordered to undertake measures to prevent any further strangulation of the city.

耶稣的出生是有一段故事的,耶稣是因着圣灵成孕,由童女马利亚所生的。The birth of Jesus is the story, Jesus is the Holy Spirit as a result of pregnancy, born Mary by strangulation.

连接在童床或游戏围栏时可能发生缠结或窒息危害。请勿连接在童床或游戏围栏上。Possible entanglement or strangulation injury when attached to crib or playpen. Do not attach to crib or playpen.

是爱,还是相互绞杀?玛莎。贝克来告诉你五种真正去获得真爱的方式。Is it love, or a mutual strangulation society? Martha Beck shows you five ways to get a real grip on the real thing.

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如果儿童将脖子放在拉绳与卷帘之间,则有被勒的危险。There is also a risk of strangulation if the child places their neck between the lifting loops and the rolled up blind.

我讨厌跟女人的亲密关系,一旦建立了这种关系,她们就会侵占我的私人空间,慢慢地扼杀我的艺术细胞。What I hate with women generally is the intimacy, the invasion of my innermost space, the slow strangulation of my art.

警方表示,受害者脖子上有勒痕,廖的尸体在隔壁房间被发现。The police said there was evidence of strangulation around the neighbour's neck and they found Liao's body in the next room.

心动过速和低血压也许预示着重度脱水、腹膜炎或者发热以及绞窄性肠梗阻的可能。Tachycardia and hypotension may indicate severe dehydration, peritonitis, or both. Fever suggests the possibility of strangulation.

姆贝基先生会争论说,经济制裁对可怜的津巴布韦人民造成的伤害,要远大于给穆加贝先生周围那些脑满肥肠的精英们带来的伤害。Mr Mbeki will argue that economic strangulation would hurt the hapless Zimbabwean masses more than the pampered elite around Mr Mugabe.

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牙买加警察发现巴基斯坦板球教练伍尔默被勒死于其旅馆房间内。Police in Jamaica said that Bob Woolmer, the Pakistan cricket coach found dead in his hotel room, was murdered by "manual strangulation".

对未来相当长的时期内欧美国家可能对我国使出的各种绞杀阴谋也不应该心存侥幸!During a long time in the future, we also should not take various strangulation and conspiracy possibly used by European and American countries for granted!

老年人已经“人”尽其用,他们的生活对于他们自己以及亲戚都是一个负担,因纽特的老人会以桶刺或勒绞的方式离开这个世界。Aged people who have outlived their usefulness and whose life is a burden both to themselves and their relatives are put to death by stabbing or strangulation.