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我将玉米煮太烂了。I overcooked the corn.

白菜早就咕嘟烂了。The cabbage is overcooked.

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这些蔬菜炒过头了。These vegetables are overcooked.

这菠菜都给煮烂了。The spinach is overcooked and mushy.

煮过头鱼类将得到真正干和坚韧。Overcooked fish will get really dry and tough.

如果熏制过度肉也被破坏。The meat also breaks down if it is overcooked.

他告诉玛丽她又把牛排烧过头了。He told Mary that she had overcooked the steak again.

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是你煮得太熟了,老实说,这肉的确不新鲜。You overcooked it, and, frankly, it's not the freshest meat.

事实上我得把我其中一道菜倒掉,因为我煮过头了。I actually had to throw one of mine away because I overcooked it!

饭很难吃,蔬菜烧过了火,一点味道都没有。The meal was terrible with all those insipid overcooked vegetables.

菠菜茎较叶片更花时间烹煮,烚菠菜时先煮茎部一会,可避免菜叶过于熟透。The spinach stems take more time to cook. Cook it first to avoid the leaves overcooked.

她常常会在爆炒了一分钟之后意识到自己已经多炒了30秒。She often realizes a minute into stir-frying a dish that she has overcooked it by 30 seconds.

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但要特别指出的一点是,中国的楼市活动也许并不像乍一看那么平淡。But the point is that Chinese housing activity may not be quite as overcooked as it first looks.

一点都不美味,只是一个煎过头的东西。我们可以并且应该呆在酒店吃饭的。Not brilliant, just a load of overcooked fried stuff. We could have and should have stayed at the hotel to eat.

在粤菜厨师看来,食物煮的太久或口味过重都是烹饪大忌。Cantonese chef would consider it a culinary sin of the highest order to produce a dish that was overcooked or too heavily seasoned.

奥特曼组织的很好,唯一失望的是晚饭,我们都花了£40.00只是吃了一堆煮了很久的油炸物。It was good and well organized by Cosmos. The only disappointment was the evening meal. It cost about £40.00 for both of us. Not brilliant, just a load of overcooked fried stuff.

但如果象杰拉德·艾考一样时刻处于警觉状态的原住居民,对他来说唯一重要的事是觉得在海边用梭标徒手叉住的章鱼烘烤时间过长了。But if lifelong residents like Gerald Aikau are on any state of alert, it would be the one telling him that his octopus, caught in the waters here with a spear and his bare hands, is overcooked.