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希望在今后的日子里与大家相处愉快。Hope in the day of aftertime to get along with everyone delectation.

我们已经从齐塔人之声的开始时就强调了生活中的这个方面。We have stressed this aspect of life in the Aftertime from the start of ZetaTalk.

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其中“领悟式”的批评方法,对于后世诗话具有垂范作用。The criticism way of" apperception type" was helpful to the poetic criticism of aftertime.

极移后阳光并不强烈,有庇护的园圃可阻止火山灰沉降物。Sheltered gardens in the Aftertime protect from volcanic ash fallout, not intense sunlight.

相信这将是我今后的工作的重要经验和宝贵财富。Believe this will be I aftertime of the important experience and precious wealths of the work.

第四部分是根据以上分析得出结论,推算出娱乐节目今后的走势。Four-part cent according to above analysis conclusion, reckon amusement a trend of program aftertime.

那不加润饰的文风给后世译经事业留下一个好榜样。The writing style without polished have set us a good example to the aftertime translation of Scriptures.

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后世读者一直认为杜甫的思想是纯儒家思想,一生积极用世。The aftertime readers all along have considered Du-fu's thought is Confucian's ideas and he is positive in his whole life.

这个故事辗转相传,好事之徒还将之写成小说以流传后世,读者莫不惊叹。This story was spread far. Busybody wrote it into fiction, which came down to the aftertime and no reader wasn't amazed by.

纳兰词以风格凄婉,感伤而名昭后世,在当时词坛上别具一格。The Nalan poesy, known to the aftertime as the style of disquiet and sentiment, had a unique style at the time on the Poesy Circle.

加油、压缩天然气加气合建站将作为今后汽车能源主要的供应基地。According to this view, gas station and CNG filling station to match to set up a station will be the main supply of the aftertime car energy.

汉以后出现有关早期琴史的托古记载,一直影响到后世。The recordation indicating even earlier existence appeared after Han regarding the history of forepart Qin has a great influence upon aftertime.

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有些理想曾为我指引过道路,并不断给我新的勇气以欣然面对人生,那些理想就是——真、善、美。The ideals which have lighted my way , and time aftertime have given me New courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness , beauty and truth. ——Albert Einstein.

金钱不再给人带来安全,也不能用于囤积物资改变机会,因此极移后将会盛行平均主义,如果不肯自愿的话,物资将被强制分享。Money will not put one into security, nor will hoarding goods change the odds, as the Aftertime will be a great leveler and goods will be shared by force, if not by free will.

本文就中学篮球队的训练与管理谈几点看法,希望对今后的篮球教学有所帮助。This text talks for the training and managements of the basketball brigade of the high school what time viewpoint, the basketball teaching that hope to be to the aftertime has the help.

目的明确毒隐翅虫皮炎暴发的流行病学特征,为今后防治工作提供依据。Objective To definitude the epidemiology characteristic of the dermatitis caused by the paederus fuscipes curtis, and to provide evidences for the work of preventing and curing aftertime.

对广西图书馆的地方文献工作做了简要介绍,并对今后地方文献工作的进一步发展提出建议。The paper gives a brief introduction on the local literature work in Guangxi Library and then puts forward some suggestions on the more development of the local literature work aftertime.

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后来又出现依官职守典籍,这是一种被动的图籍分类法,但对后世的图书分类产生了巨大的影响。Later there has been a passive classifying way that guarding books according to the official position. But this way brings tremendous influence on the classifying of books in the aftertime.

监测结果分析表明,排桩冻结法是基坑工程的一种可行的施工工法,润扬大桥南锚碇排桩冻结法深大基坑的成功实践为今后类似工程的建设积累了宝贵经验。The monitor result indicated the ground freezing and pile-support method is viable for deep foundation pit, and the experience was backlog for construction of similar engineering aftertime.

今后除了继续重视农作物的品种培育外,还应加强树种和花卉的太空育种,只有牢牢把握未来的太空育种方向,才能保持中国在这一领域的世界领先地位。Aftertime scientist of space breeding should attach importance to tree and flower besides crop. Only holding the future space breeding direction, can china keeping one-up level in this domain.