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他显然忽略了这问题。He pointedly ignored the question.

华伦先生是个保守派,但是与政治无关。Mr Warren is conservative but pointedly non-political.

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他所表达的权威的视觉表达是不明确的。The image of authority he conveys is pointedly ambiguous.

他还特别向国会议员强调,布什总统才是总指挥。He pointedly reminded lawmakers that Bush is commander in chief.

有针对性的对广大投资者进行教育引导。Third, it can make the market educate and guide the investors pointedly.

柔和的月光下,他俯看着她的嘴,凝滞数秒。In the soft moonlight, he looked down pointedly at her mouth for several seconds.

她在离任时曾很决绝的拒绝对首相发表一句赞美之词。Ms Blears pointedly refused to say a good word about the prime minister as she resigned.

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几天后,在后面的长廊里,他拦住了梅利,直截了当问她是否有劳拉的消息。He waylaid Melly at the back porch a few days later and asked pointedly if she'd heard from Nora.

他们之间交换了一下惊奇和气恼的眼色,然后明显流露出无视对方的神色。A look of surprise and irritation passed between them, and then they pointedly ignored each other.

在1985年,女士杂志离奇的致敬,可爱的歌手辛蒂露波是那一年的主打女性。In 1985, Ms. magazine pointedly feted quirky, cuddly singer Cyndi Lauper as its woman of the year.

越南已针对性地要求中国遵守协议,而其它国家几近充耳不闻。Vietnam has pointedly demanded China observe the agreement, but the others have been almost inaudible.

我们直接选择了不使用“知识库”或文档库这样空泛的概念。We pointedly chose not to mention the generalized notion of a "knowledge base" or document repository.

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她尖锐地反驳了伯恩夫人对这位准儿媳的“一团糟”描述。She pointedly dismissed Mrs Bourne’s depiction of her future daughter-in-law as opening a “can of worms”.

那个阿拉伯人看着潘乔,大声叫他,潘乔正坐在那里,疲倦的,糊涂的,微微的笑。The Arab called Pancho looks pointedly at his companions, who sit, weary, noncommital, suppressing smiles.

为什么文中拒绝告诉我们在军事法庭以后维尔和比利之间究竟怎么了?Why does the narrative pointedly refuse to tell us what passed between Vere and Billy after the court-martial ?

她这么说着时,瞥见了阿拉宾先生的目光,看到他正用一种严厉的神情锐利地望着她。As she spoke she caught Mr. Arabin 's eye and saw that he was looking pointedly at her with a severe expression.

然而,她也尖锐的指出了,阿诺必须很好的与控制加州一会和参议会的民主党人合作。However, she pointedly noted that he will have to work with Democrats , who control the state Assembly and Senate.

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中国国防大学的张召忠尖锐地嘲笑印度技术的“低水准”。Zhang Zhaozhong of China's National Defense University, who pointedly derided the "low level" of Indian technology.

雇佣兵重整自己的姿态,转了个身好把身子轻轻靠在婴儿床的围栏上。The mercenary pointedly rearranged himself, twisting 'round so that his back pressed lightly against the bars of her crib.

周一,有克拉拉阿奎莱拉,农业安达卢西亚地区的市议员,有针对性地黄瓜咬成一个整体。On Monday, there was Clara Aguilera, agriculture councilwoman for the region of Andalucia, pointedly biting into a whole cuke.