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参见拷贝数目变异体。CNV --- See copy number variant.

第二种变式走得更远。The second variant goes further.

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有一些细微的变化。There is a slight variant on there.

可以考虑前面示例的一个变体。Consider a variant of the previous example.

该公司称这款汽车为三方向变体。The company called the car a 3-series variant.

疱疹样天疱疮为天疱疮的一种变异型。Herpetiform pemphigus is a variant of pemphigus.

每一种基因的变化就叫做等位基因。Now the variant of each gene is called an allele.

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先证者EXT2基因没有发现变异。No variant was found in EXT2 gene of this proband.

变异函数是地质统计学的核心部分。The variant function is the core of geostatistics.

后掠翼的变型是三角翼。A variant of the swept-back wing is the delta wing.

测试用例是上游测试的不同子集。Test cases are a variant subset of upstream testing.

本例属糜烂型扁平苔藓的变型。This condition is a variant of erosive lichen planus.

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这款红色的甜起泡酒是莫斯卡甜白演变而来的。This is the red variant of the white Moscato Spumante.

浮动对话框主题的另一变种就是弹出框。Another variant on the floating box theme is the pop-up.

他认为恶性疟原虫曾一度处于DARC变异体的控制下。He reckons falciparum was once controlled by variant DARC.

当然,也有一些特殊的变异武魂例外。Of course, there are some special variant Wuhun exception.

在一些棕榈科成员中还存在另一种变体。Another variant is presented by some members of the Palmae.

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研究基于黑板结构的变型设计协同机制。Second, build the variant design system frame of MAS-based.

斑驴是一种极美丽的斑马变种。The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra.

带有这种变异基因组合的人被称为“LL”携带者。People with this variant combination are dubbed "LL" carriers.