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我得去参加一个会议。Igo to a meeting.

有时,我睡觉很早。Sometimes Igo to bed early.

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我如今可以连续做我的工作了吗?。May Igo on with my work now?

她要求我立刻去。She required that Igo at once.

改进不存在的政府间组织的版本我有。Improvements do not exist in igo version i have.

约翰建议我到法国度周末。John suggested that Igo to France for the weekend.

我去商业街是因为我的朋友在那里闲逛。Igo to the mall because my friends hang out② there.

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以前我很少去剧院,但是现在不同了。Seldom did Igo to theater, but now it is different.

你的吻给了我无限的遐思与回味,还有你的泪水与甜蜜的嫉妒。Igo over endlessly in my thought of your kisses your tears and your deliciousjealousy.

你好,我叫李军我在第八中学校,我最喜欢的科目是中文,我喜欢打篮球。Hi, I'm Li Jun. Igo to No. 8Middle School. My favorite subject is Chinese. I like basketball.

利用IGO滤波方法,建立了被任意噪声污染的两类灰色控制系统模型。In-this paper two kinds of grey models of control system have been presented by using IGO filtering technique.

我们凡是在七点钟吃晚饭,然后我就开始做家庭功课,希望在困觉前把它做完。We usually have supper at seven o'clock. Then Ibegin to do my homework. I want to finish it before Igo to bed.

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而当冲突不可避免时,则只能经由各国授权政府间组织在实施法律阶段事后加以解决。Where a conflict is unavoidable, what each state can do is to authorize its IGO to solve relevant problems arising ex post.

如果任何人有足够的经验和知识,做一个错误的自由软件,并与政府间组织的编程导航经验者优先。If anybody has the experience and knowledge to do a bug free software and also navigation experience with igo programming is a plus.

的毛发。它是特殊的礼物,我在我的九岁生日的时候得到了它。现在它就成了我最好的朋友。每次艾戈从学校回家了,咪咪总是围绕着我到处奔跑。It is the special gift I got on my 9th birthday. Now it becomes my best fiend. Every time Igo home from school, Mimi always runs and junps around me.

如果任何人有足够的经验和知识,做一个错误的自由软件,并与政府间组织的编程导航经验者优先。请将您的报价和时间。If anybody has the experience and knowledge to do a bug free software and also navigation experience with igo programming is a plus. Please send your quote and time.

现在我们也谈我们在国际组织-不管是IGO或NGO-政府间组织或非政府组织的身份或状态。Now we're also talking about our membership or status in international organizations, either IGO or NGO— intergovernmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations.