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它可能已被不可避免的原因,想问题,在家里或丧失能力。It may have been an unavoidable reason , like problems at home or incapacitation.

这是一个好迹象,将来传出李光耀病重的消息也不会令新加坡人震惊。This is a good indication that future news of his incapacitation would not shock.

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因你的失误直接导致受伤或生病而无法胜任工作。Incapacitation by sickness or disease caused directly or indirectly by your misconduct.

在发生FAI总裁死亡或丧失能力的情况时,任命代理主席。Appointing an Acting President in the event of the FAI President's death or incapacitation.

极度的!事实上,呆在水中会严重影响你的士气并能导致无助。So cold, in fact, that staying in it can seriously impact your morale and can lead to incapacitation.

我永远,永远,经验丰富,因为他与泰瑟电击枪枪打的M26上如此完整,即时丧失民事行为能力。I have never, ever, experienced such complete, instant incapacitation as being hit with the M26 Taser.

病假是一种积累式的以预防因病而无法工作的保险。Sick leave is a form of insurance that is accumulated in order to provide a cushion for incapacitation due to illness.

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被告的唯一能照顾其尚未成年的孩子的家庭成员死亡或残疾。The death or incapacitation of the defendant's only family member capable of caring for the defendant's minor child or minor children.

由于先天或后天的一些因素,导致下颌骨部分缺损或不对称,而这种缺损或不对称常常导致严重的功能丧失和颜面畸形。Mandibular segmental defect or asymmetry due to congenital or acquired factors will lead to severe functional incapacitation and facial deformity.

对因外伤和软骨病变所导致的关节软骨退变或功能丧失的治疗,目前临床上尚无有效的方法。There has been no satisfactorily effective method for the clinical treatment of articular cartilage degradation and functional incapacitation due to traumas and cartilage lesions up till now.