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我们应当希望中国这次的努力富有成效。We should wish China well in this endeavour.

我们会致力促进公平竞争。We will endeavour to promote fair competition.

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奋进中的北京今古通欢迎您!The Beijing now thou the endeavour welcome you!

我希望你们都能参与到这一事业中。I hope you will all take part in that endeavour.

请尽量准时到达。Please make every endeavour to arrive punctually.

如果我们要成功,就必须不断努力。We must constantly endeavour if we are to succeed.

1768年七月“奋力号”启程开赴太平洋。In July 1768 the Endeavour set out for the Pacific.

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你应当通过进一步努力来取得成功。You should key up your endeavour to achieve sucess.

在1768年七月,“奋进号”向太平洋进发。In July 1768, the Endeavour set out for the Pacific.

“奋进”号上的一只机器手将抓住望远镜并托住它。A robot-arm from the Endeavour will grab the telescope.

我感谢Sambo博士对此工作的全力支持。I thank Dr Sambo for his full support in this endeavour.

我们力求避免那种陈旧的,富有浪漫色彩的喷油方式。We endeavour to avoid the old, romantic idea of a gusher.

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来来来,为我们共同努力的结果干杯!Come on, let's cheers for the outcome of our common endeavour.

香港全体市民的努力成果,今天就开始呈现在各位眼前。The fruits of this community-wide endeavour are now before you.

努力精进与无碍放松和谐的结合…Endeavour and effortlessness are combined in a harmonious union.

目前在“奋进”陨石坑便有一个地质发现的“百宝箱”。And now they have a potential treasure trove in Endeavour Crater.

斁“奋进”号航天飞机将把宇航员送上哈勃望远镋。Thee shuttle Endeavour will be taking the astronauts to the Hubble.

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“可以说,是亚特兰蒂斯号催生了奋进号航天飞机的诞生,”派尔曼说。"The shuttle Endeavour exists because of Atlantis, " Pearlman said.

航天飞机奋进号是上周一发射的,执行一次16天的任务。The space shuttle Endeavour launched last Monday on a 16-day mission.

我别具匠心的理论包含了我在所有领域所做出的努力。My particular theories that would embrace the whole field of my endeavour.