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我现在还有那根鱼钩,“他说。"I have the gaff now, " he said.

大鱼就用特制的鱼钩钩住。The bigger ones get hooked with a special gaff.

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我可以用鱼钩去把它钩过来,坐在这儿舒舒服服地吃掉它。I can reach it with the gaff and eat it here in comfort.

我可以用鱼钩把它钓过来,在这儿舒舒服服地吃。I can reach him with the gaff and eat him here in comfort.

拓荒者们是个人主义者,他们也确实有这份胆量。The pioneers were individualists. And theydid stand the gaff.

他们杀了格林,因为他要把他们贩毒的事情说出去。They killed Green because he was about to blow the gaff on their drug dealing.

加夫虽然体形瘦削,但力大无比,其弹跳力更是惊人。Gaff possessed powerful strength in his slim form, and could leap amazing distances.

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稳定索,分隔索赛艇或巡逻艇上的支索,为防止斜桁的张力而用于稳定桅杆。A stay for racing or cruising vessels used to steady the mast against the strain of the gaff.

他们已经上钩了,我现在要做的就是用叉住他们,把他们弄到船里来,然后把他们打死。They have taken the bait, and now I just gotta gaff them, get them in the boat, and club them to death.

了解如何使用鱼叉或噱头硬币魔术表演在这个自由幻想魔术课视频。Learn how to use gaff or gimmick coins to perform magic trick illusions in this free magic lesson video.

孔总督制定了许多讨好帝国海军上将斯克里德的计划,加夫都参与其中。Gaff was involved in numerous schemes orchestrated by Governor Koong to curry favor with Imperial Admiral Screed.

科博克人是一个昆虫形种族,皮肤呈黄绿色,前臂带尖刺,头上有三只复眼。Gaff was a Kobok, a yellow-green skinned insectoid with sharp stingers on his forearms and three orange compound eyes.

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他跪下来,在船尾下找到那条鲔鱼,用鱼叉将它地朝自己拖过小心翼翼地避开旁边的一盘鱼线。He knelt down and found the tuna under the stern with the gaff and drew it toward him keeping it clear of the coiled lines.

他跪下来,用鱼钩在船梢下找到了那条金枪鱼,警惕不让它碰着那多少卷钓索,把它钩到本人身边来。He knelt down and found the tuna under the stern with the gaff and drew it toward him keeping it clear of the coiled lines.

斜桁帆不如百慕大帆有效率,这种结构也更加复杂,需要更多水手来操控。The gaff rig is not as efficient as the Bermuda rig, and the rig is more complicated and requires more crew for sail handling.

他又用左肩挎住了钓索,把左手跟胳臂撑在座板上,从鱼钩上取下金枪鱼,再把鱼钩放回原处。Holding the line with his left shoulder again, and bracing on his left hand and arm, he took the tuna off the gaff hook and put the gaff back in place.

双桅横帆船有两根桅杆的帆船,每个桅杆上都有横帆,载有两个或更多的前帆和一个四边形的斜桁帆或在后桅的尾部装有后樯纵帆。Nautical A two-masted sailing ship, square-rigged on both masts, carrying two or more headsails and a quadrilateral gaff sail or spanker aft of the mizzenmast.

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所以他趁船经过的时候用鱼钩钩上了一簇黄色的马尾藻,把它抖抖,使里面的小虾掉在小船船板上。So he hooked a patch of yellow Gulf weed with the gaff as they passed and shook it so that the small shrimps that were in it fell onto the planking of the skiff.

他们把鱼具从船上拿出来,老人把桅杆扛在他的肩膀上,小男孩抱着木箱子,里面装满了一卷卷结实的棕色绳索、鱼钩和带柄的鱼叉。The old man carried the mast on his shoulder and the boy carried the wooden box with the coiled, hard-braided brown lines, the gaff and the harpoon with its shaft.

他们走进老人的窝棚,孩子拿起装在篮子里的钓索卷儿,还有鱼叉和鱼钩,老人把绕着帆的桅杆扛在肩上。When they reached the old man's shack the boy took the rolls of line in the basket and the harpoon and gaff and the old man carried the mast with the furled sail on his shoulder.