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这种积极性是很可贵的。Such initiative is highly commendable.

纳西族的这个传统真了不起。This Naxi tradition is really commendable.

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由于大家的共同努力,广告大有起色。Our endeavours have seen commendable results.

他们将反年龄歧视这一值得称赞的政策推向了极致。They took a commendable anti-ageist policy to extremes.

我知道他比赛输了但是他的勇气可嘉。I know he lost the game, but his courage is commendable.

它说,它的品牌组合继续显示出值得称赞的表现。It said its porfolio of brands continued to show commendable performance.

上述一南一北两个楼盘的开发商确实值得称道。The two south and the north of the developers really commendable development.

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日本敢直面中国,值得称赞。终于有个硬骨头的了。Japan standing upto China, is commendable. So finally somebody had the backbone.

他那种见义勇为的精神是难能可贵的。His spirit of being ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause is commendable.

尤其是在外交政策上,奥巴马先生已经有了一些值得称道的举措。In foreign policy in particular Mr Obama has already done some commendable things.

德国总理在重组欧洲金融中所起的领导作用值得称道。The German chancellor's leadership in shoring up Europe's finances is commendable.

在物质贫乏的环境里依然能保持善良,可以说是一种高贵!Being able to stay good-hearted in abject poverty is absolutely commendable and noble.

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对一个新的,或是一个大型的软件项目来说,采用结构分析是明智的选择。It is always commendable to take an architectural perspective on a new, or large, project.

本次盛会突出了“三一四”的亮点。This grand event is commendable for its "three platforms, one scheme and four promotions".

古天乐自残形象,角色更是丧尽天良,创作精神绝对值得嘉许。Louis Koo themselves image is a woman practitioner role, the creative spirit is commendable.

因此,对冒升中的普选和政党市场的了解是十分重要的。As a result, the study of the emerging electoral and party markets are timely and commendable.

这是值得我们继承弘扬的可贵精神。It is the highly commendable spirits deserving of the studying and emulation of all reformers.

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贺麟作为一名新儒家代表能提出以上的思想,实是难能可贵的。Helin, as a representative can provide more than the Neo-Confucian thought, is indeed commendable.

值得表扬的是,前面的客场湖人12胜5负,但是在后面的31场比赛中,有22场是客场。The Lakers are a commendable 12-5 on the road, but they have 22 of their next 31 games on the road.

当然列子能提出这想梦关系,于梦的探讨上是难能可贵的。Of course, like a dream Liezi can mention this relationship, in the dream to explore is commendable.