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我们都知道这个问题,他的肿瘤不能手术治疗。We all know the problem that his tumor is inoperable.

这一阶段的失败将导致应用程序不可操作。Failures at this stage will leave the application inoperable.

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谐振电路停止工作使引燃器不能工作。Disablement of the resonant circuit can render the ignitor inoperable.

一块土地上不可有五辆以上不能开动的车辆。You may not have more than five inoperable vehicles on a piece of property.

一名母亲罹患不宜施行手术的癌症,但她神奇地咳出了癌症肿瘤,挽救了自己的生命。A mother saved her own life when she coughed up an inoperable cancer tumour.

如果你把这问题搁置一段长的时间,癌细胞可能已经散开,以致不能动手术。If you leave it long enough, the cancer may have spread so that it is inoperable.

他们说这种癌症不适宜动手术,我应该做好化疗和放射疗法的准备。They said the cancer was inoperable and I should be prepared for chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

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由于詹妮胃部肿瘤无法实行手术治疗,动物园的官员决定于周四晚对詹妮进行安乐死。Zoo officials decided to euthanize Jenny on Thursday night because of an inoperable tumor in her stomach.

本研究的限制因素为,作为对照用的局部治疗,只使用在无法开刀的患者身上。A potential limitation of this study is the use of locoregional treatment as the reference group for inoperable patients.

我们将59例不能手术治疗的前列腺癌患者列为全国协作组的研究对象。A series of 59 consecutive patients with inoperable carcinoma of the prostate were entered into a national cooperative study.

目的总结微波固化治疗在手术不能切除的胰腺癌中应用时的并发症的防治。Aim To summarize the prevention and cure of complications of microwave coagulation therapy for inoperable pancreatic carcinoma.

科学家发现,一项攻击胰腺肿瘤的新方法可以提高无法接受手术胰腺肿瘤患者的治疗效果。A new approach for attacking pancreatic tumors may lead to improved therapy for patients with inoperable disease, scientists report.

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他拒绝了医生推荐给那只废腿的魔法治疗,仅仅要了一只多余出来的拐杖然后拖行离去。He refused the doctor's recommendation of magical treatment for the leg's inoperable damage, requesting only a spare crutch before shuffling away.

任何配线问题或环境的杂讯可能使得应允的缆线无法操作,即使距离在规格内。Any cabling problems or environmental noise could render an otherwise compliant cable inoperable even at distances that are within the specification.

这种方法尤其适用于那些因肿瘤紧邻脑或肺等重要器官而不能进行手术的病人。The approach may be particularly useful for people with cancers that are inoperable because they are close to vital organs such as the brain or lungs.

目的探讨不能手术的胃十二指肠恶性梗阻金属内支架治疗方法和效果。Objective To explore the treatment ways and effectiveness of metallic self-expanding stent in palliation of inoperable malignant gastroduodenal obstruction.

英国科学家正利用奈米科技,以「肿瘤爆裂」基因来爆破老鼠体内的癌细胞,为带有不宜动手术肿瘤的病患带来新希望。Scientists in the U. K. are using nanotechnology to blast cancer cells in mice with "tumor busting" genes, giving new hope to patients with inoperable tumors.

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他每年都要率领加州大学洛杉矶分校的医疗队到秘鲁去为青少年做矫正外科手术,他在那里看到好几百个所谓不能做手术的孩子其实都有希望救治。Every year he led a U. C. L. A. medical team to perform corrective surgery on youngsters in Peru, and he had seen hundreds of so-called inoperable kids thrive.

美国国防部1月16日表示,由于太子港市的港口在今后60至90天内可能仍无法恢复运行,救灾工作因此受到进一步影响。The relief effort has been further hampered because the Port-au-Prince port is likely to remain inoperable for 60 to 90 days, the Pentagon reported January 16.

由于纽约持续的工作和表演,她腿上出现了不断增长的肿块,她咨询了医生,那是一种无法治愈的骨瘤,她截肢了。She found herself minus the leg one week after consulting a doctor about a persistent swelling she attributed to hard work and play in New York City – it was an inoperable bone tumor.