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贪婪使他变得冷酷无情。Avarice harshened his features.

贪婪是损毁幸福的祸根。Avarice is the bane to happiness.

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他最大的嗜好是贪财。Avarice was his prevailing passion.

不要让节俭变成贪财。Don't let thrift degenerate into avarice.

懒惰之罪只犯在饕餮和贪心之后。Sloth does not set in until after gluttony and avarice.

贫穷只要一些,奢侈要求很多,贪婪强索一切。Poverty wants some things, luxury many things, and avarice all things.

勇敢过度即成蛮勇,感情过度即成溺爱,节俭过度即成贪婪。Courage in excess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.

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骄傲、妒恨和贪婪好比三颗星火,使一切人的心熊熊燃烧。Pride, Envy, and Avarice are the threes sparks that have set these hearts on fire.

这并没有错,只是吴博士的语言矛盾,生的过于贪婪。That is not my mistake -- just Dr. Wu's linguistic contradiction, born of avarice.

贪婪与快乐从来没有见过面,又怎么能让他们彼此了解呢?。Avarice and Happiness never saw each other, how then should they become acquainted.

那些贪心的人们,花的比他们应花的少,而省的比他们应省的多。People who suffer from avarice spend much less and save much more than they should.

更引人注目的是,天量的财富允许沙特阿拉伯可以从容不迫的面对现代生活方式所带来的冲击,悠然的继续着自己的传统生活方式。More profoundly, wealth beyond avarice permits Saudis to deal with modernity on their own terms.

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因此廉或贪等欲念的控管,必须自个人内心做起才有效。Therefore, controlling a man being incorruption and not avarice must start from his inner heart.

你是否日复一日寻求超越世俗、骄傲和贪婪的生活?Are you seeking day by day to live above worldliness, the pride of life, and the ensnaring vice of avarice?

记得有篇小说写一个爱财如命的财迷,进了一座黄金山,山内皆是黄金珠宝,大喜若狂。Remember a novel writing a love money, the avarice into a HuangJinShan mountain, all is in gold jewelry, if big wild.

贪婪是物质财富的欲望或收益,忽视的精神境界。它也被称为贪欲或贪婪。Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.

我们再也不能无视水的存在,与水争地、与水争林、与水争胜,我们再也不能为着自己的贪婪和野心,肆意掠夺和蹂躏大自然的水资源了!We can no longer ignore the crisis of water, nor can we rob and ravage water resource of the nature dissolutely for one's own greed and avarice.

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道德行为是社会为了保护公众利益不受商业欺诈而强迫商界咽下的一服苦药。Ethical conduct is an unpleasant medicine that society forces down business people's throats to protect the public interest from business avarice.

贪、瞋、痴、慢是世尊认为人类自寻烦恼的四大苦恼源,而贪又居其首,由此可见贪心是一种相当危险的念头。The four banes deemed by Buddha are avarice, wrath, obsession and arrogance, among which avarice is the first one that is thought rather dangerous idea.

还有一些用呆滞,贪婪的目光注视着道路另外一端的商店——最佳商贩冰淇淋店,那边穿T恤衫的胖小子们在舔着香草甜筒。Some of them were gazing with dull avarice at the store on the other side of the road, the Ideal Traders Ice Cream Parlor, where fat kids in T-shirts were licking vanilla cones.