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山姆小萝,妳在锦标赛中的表现很不错。Sam Nice work at the tourney , Roxy.

星光灿烂的比赛马上就要开始了。The Tourney of Talent is about to begin.

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这星期我有一场棒球锦标赛。I have a baseball tourney to go to this weekend.

这一分对你而言是赢得最艰难的吗?Was that the hardest point in the tourney for you?

下一个锦标赛应该在秘鲁或者俄罗斯!Put the next tourney in Peru or Russia! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

你可以多次扮演你想要在这个赛。You can play as many times as you want in this tourney.

奥运会资格,科比和美国队都开足了马力。Kobe and Team USA are gearing up for the qualifying tourney.

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随着赛事的全面展开,今天是最后一个训练日了。Today is the last day of practice before the tourney kicks into full swing.

下面是一些相关的历史以及一些关于该项赛事的鲜为人知的事实。Below is some history, as well as some little-known facts about the tourney.

他们通过去年的地区选拔赛获得了落选锦标赛的资格。They qualified for the qualifying tourney by their finish in last year's regional tournaments.

一个多桌比赛的球员很可能会超过他的平均年收入在一个赛事在某个时候。A multi-table tourney player is likely to make more than his average annual income in one tournament at some point.

好了,首先得做下挑选,仔细看下将要被用于赛事的这32支啤酒。After the jump, get a head start on your picks with an in depth look at all 32 beers well be using for the tourney.

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库里的表现中规中矩,但是他确实为美国队贡献了自己的一份力,这是从1994年以来美国队再一次夺冠。Curry's numbers were modest at best but he contributed when called upon and he's part of the first USA team to win the tourney since 1994.

北京时间今日凌晨,中国男篮在贝尔格莱德的一场世锦赛热身赛中以53比89不敌塞尔维亚,遭遇本次海外拉练五连败。The Chinese men's basketball team lost to Serbia in Belgrade Sunday night 53-89, its fifth consecutive defeat in the FIBA tune-up tourney.

这算是对美国队去年世锦赛表现的惩罚,当时他们只获得第三名,位列西班牙和希腊之后。The tourney could be viewed as punishment for finishing third in last year's world championships in Japan, behind champion Spain and Greece.

在球场上,就像全世界所看到的,在一开始大败于意大利和巴西后,红白蓝军团的表现令人刮目相看。One the field, as the world knows, the red, white and blue flipped the script after enduring blowout losses to Italy and Brazil early in the tourney.

另外游戏中的非常古老和角色扮演的重点,所以在锦标赛NPC角色的实际列表和PC会想知道他们的朋友在竞争中如何表现。Also the game's very old and roleplay focused, so there is an actual list of NPC characters in the tourney and the PCs will want to know how their friends fared in the competition.

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扑克之星生长的才气,从图尔内隐现多达角逐除夜厅将隐现对手的配对,和若何角逐已生长为头收架。PokerStars has developed the ability to display a bracket for Heads Up tournaments from the Tourney Lobby which will show the pairings of opponents and how the tournament has progressed.