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这个后来成为WMO执行理事会的前身机构由此问世。Thus was born the predecessor of our WMO Executive Council.

这个新的小册子也在努力将WMO的历史留存于后世。The new booklet is also a renewed effort to preserve WMO history for future generations.

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该系统符合ICAO和WMO标准,并稍后可能扩展D-ATIS.数据链接。The system complies with ICAO and WMO standards and may at a later stage be extended with DataLink for D-ATIS.

如果他们探测到了一些不寻常的东西,他们本应该出于人道主义理由而通过WMO与我们分享这些数据。They should have shared the data with us on humanitarian grounds through WMO if they had detected something unusual.

世界气象组织称,这个趋势使北冰洋的冰雪覆盖面于上个月十二月份达到历史最低。The trend also helped to melt Arctic sea ice cover to a record low for December last month, the WMO said in a statement.

国际气象组织数据管理应用中心主任奥马尔.巴多尔说,今年撒哈拉以南之非洲地区却并没有经历干旱。But WMO Data Management Application Division chief Omar Baddour said sub-Saharan Africa did not experience drought this year.

在哥本哈根峰会前夕,WMO说过去十年是自1850年以来最热的十年。Just ahead of the Copenhagen conference , the WMO said that the past ten years had been the warmest since records began in 1850.

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世界气象组织的气候专家柯里说,气象学家正设法让决策者更地对待发出的警告。WMO Climate Expert Kolli says meteorologists are trying to improve ways of getting policy makers to take their warnings more seriously.

世界气象组织的科学家对地面臭氧、烟雾、空气悬浮微粒子、二氧化硫、一氧化碳之类的污染物质进行评估监测。WMO scientists assess and monitor air pollutants such as ground-level ozone, smog, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide.

我深信,通过此次活动以及其它后续活动,WMO在未来几十年将为人类提供更加贴切的服务。I am convinced that through this initiative and others that will follow, WMO will be even more relevant in serving humanity over decades to come.

世界气象组织的报告指出,在欧洲许多地方的气候暖和很不寻常,斯堪的纳维亚半岛的各个国家正享受到有纪录以来最暖和的冬季。The WMO report said there was unusually warm weather in many parts of Europe, and Scandinavian countries enjoyed the warmest winter season on record.

上周悉尼大约被5000吨的沙尘所笼罩,但是WMO表示在2006年的一场沙尘暴中北京被超过300,000吨的沙尘所笼罩。Sydney was covered by an estimated 5, 000 tonnes of dust last week, but the WMO says Beijing was enveloped by more than 300, 000 tonnes in one storm in 2006.

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常常会在西班牙、意大利和希腊发现从撒哈拉吹来的沙尘,WMO表示沙尘暴差不多每个月都会把带来的撒哈拉沙漠的沙尘出落在阿尔卑斯山的北麓。Dust blown from the Sahara is commonly found in Spain, Italy and Greece and the WMO says that storms deposit Saharan dust north of the Alps about once a month.

本文分析了世界气象组织于1981年在西班牙进行的增雨计划试验中法国飞机取得的云微物理资料。The measurements taken by aircraft Piper-Aztec of France during the experiment of the Precipitation Enhancement Project organized by the WMO in Spain in 1981 have been analysed.

2010年的数据显示地球将经历漫长而严峻的全球变暖阶段”世界气象组织秘书长米歇尔亚罗说。这十个最暖的年份全出现在1998年以后。"The 2010 data confirm the Earth's significant long-term warming trend," WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud said. "The 10 warmest years on record have all occurred since 1998."

你们为世界气象组织及其会员,以及为各个合作伙伴组织提供了一个独特的机会,与中国气象局一道关注对人类未来至关重要的问题。You have offered WMO and its Members, and partner organizations, a unique opportunity to focus with the China Meteorological Administration on issues which are vital for the future of humanity.

世界气象组织说,气候温度标准高于2005年标准温度0.02度,高于1998年0.05度,但由于在误差范围内,使这三年的数据无关紧要。That exceeded 2005 levels by 0.02 F and was 0.05 F above the 1998 mark, but within a margin of error that made the difference between the three years statistically insignificant, according to the WMO.