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你若失去了勇敢,就把什么都失去了。If you lose braveness , you lose all.

勇敢让人蜕变。The braveness let person transmuting.

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他的英勇使他获得荣誉。His braveness earned him the reputation.

警官们称赞他的勇敢。The police officers complimented him on his braveness.

我也将永远的寻找,寻找是我的勇敢!I seek braveness being me also close to eternal searching!

欣赏你的勇敢并感谢你救了宠物狗。Appreciate your braveness and thanks for saving the pet dog.

散打是一项艺术,是最能体现智勇双全的一项体育赛事。Free fighting is an art, which can show braveness and intelligence.

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开始盼望多过勇敢,起飞吧,视野就不一样。Starts hoping to lead braveness more, take off, visual field different.

他的悲壮已经不能挽救电站爆炸的命运。However, his braveness could no longer save the power plant from fate of explosion.

医生表示,他被她手术时和手术后的勇敢震惊了。The doctor said that he was surprised by her braveness during and after the surgery.

我会很勇敢很勇敢的去面对,面对所有可能遇到的挫折。I would very the braveness is very brave of face, face to meet probably of frustrate.

如果有别的勇敢的人妄想超了他们的车,他们就会变得有一点点不理智。Fig3. their braveness will turns a bit insane if their rivals wanna overtake them even an inch.

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这五种道德,有四种可以互相对应,只有古希腊的勇敢,和中国古代道德不能对应。Among these five kinds of merits, all but braveness have their equivalents in ancient China's merits.

当手指接触到琴键时,有种强烈的预感在脑海中浮现,曾经消失的勇气真在一点一滴回到我的身边。When touching the piano, I can tell, the braveness I had lost at one time comes back to me gradually.

另外,还普遍存在着婚前性自由的性爱道德权利以及崇尚勇敢、强劲的道德价值趋向。Moreover, people in those tribes or states enjoy premarital sexual freedom and advocate such moral values as braveness and toughness.

大道、大辩、大仁、大廉、大勇都是好事,可是一有了私心就变质了。The great Tao, the eloquence, general kindness, overall probity, and great braveness are good but they degenerate once they go with selfishness.

从不同的角度阐述了简爱坚强,勇敢,执著等优秀品质及其对爱情的追求。Jan, a girl with plenty of fortune. The artic expatiate Jane. Eyer's good character such as adamancy, braveness and inflexible in different points.

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这期间他写作了不少诗、文,反映了他朴素的辩证唯物主义军事思想和勇敢的战斗精神。During thar period Li Zhi wrote some poems and essays, which reflects his force thought in plain dialectical materialism and the combat spirit of braveness.

柳永潇洒不羁的浪子形态,倾心“从俗”的怪胆狂情,撕破了千百年来封建观念的厚重黑幕,在中国文学史上划过了一道绚丽的虹。It was his strange braveness and crazy emotion of "following traditions" that exposed all the inside stories of feudal concept which had lasted for thousands of years.

碧文是个充满活力、勇气与行动力的人,生活多采多姿,要全面描述她,恐怕说上三天三夜也说不完。Jiayi is a person full of energy, braveness and power, and lives a colorful life, which makes it almost impossible to give a complete portrayal of her with limited words.