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中国确实能够帮助比哈尔。China a can really help Bihar.

比哈尔邦是否真的在水稻产量上造假了?Did Bihar really lie about this rice claim?

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比哈尔邦的独门绝技已经传到中国!Transfer of expertise from BIHAR to CHINA! !

巴特那,印度北部比哈尔邦的首府。Patna, capital of northern Indian state Bihar.

这种事情也只可能发生在比哈尔邦了!This can happen only in Nitish's Bihar. ! ! ! !

如果比哈尔邦都能够完成大变身,那么印度任何一个邦也一样可以。And if Bihar can turn around, any Indian region can.

ISRO能把泰米尔纳德邦和比哈尔邦的政客一次性送上去吧?。Can ISRO take all the TN and Bihar politicians at ONE GO ?

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其中,尼泊尔和北阿坎德邦、北方邦和比哈尔邦有交界。Of these Nepal has borders with Uttarakhand, UP and Bihar.

今天的比哈尔邦道路上有些小洞,可是以前是连路都没有的。Today Bihar has pot-holes, where formerly it didn’t have roads.

我去过比哈尔的一所学校,那里老师的出勤从来无人管束。I visited a school in Bihar where teachers never bothered to show up.

过去,北部比哈尔邦是更加让人难堪的地方。The northern state of Bihar used to be even more of an embarrassment.

比哈尔邦应当合作,邀请中国企业来比哈尔投资。Bihar should co-operate , invite chinese companies to invest in bihar.

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商家落荒而逃,绑架案不足为奇,整个比哈尔邦似乎前途渺茫。Businesses fled, kidnapping became rampant, and Bihar seemed hopeless.

我很高兴,那么久之后终于能听到点关于比哈尔邦不一样的消息了。I am pleased to hear something different about Bihar after a long time.

此外,加拿大媒体把“比哈尔邦的繁荣”比作“呜咽”。The Canadian media has also likened "the boom in Bihar" to "a whimper".

在旁遮普邦、古吉拉特邦、泰米尔纳德邦及比哈尔邦,国大党时来运转,重获生机。In Punjab, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and Bihar Congress’s fortunes have revived.

他们可能会通过向毛主义分子派发枪支来觊觎比哈尔邦。They may be eyeing on Bihar via maoists with guns supplied by them clandestaneously.

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对有些没有土地和教育的人来说,在这里仍然比在比哈尔谋生好。For someone with-out land or education, that still beats trying to make a living in Bihar.

现代印度的比哈尔州的名字命名的道场字为一佛教寺院。The modern Indian state of Bihar is named after the word for a Buddhist monastery, vihara.

我认为中国就像是在梦幻发展!!相比之下,印度就像是比哈尔邦!!I think China is a like on DREAM DEVELOPMENT right now ! ! compared to that India is like Bihar ! !